Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 7583
Parametric estimation of inefficiency in cargo handling in Spanish ports
(SPRINGER, 2008-12)
Port workers services have been usually heavily regulated and reserved exclusively for a special kind of workers, dockworkers, which seems to have been the cause of serious inefficiencies worldwide. During the eighties, ...
Sources of small family farm production inefficiency, recôncavo region, Bahia, Brazil
The main objective of this study was to identify and analyze the sources of inefficiency in family operated small
agricultural properties in the Brazilian state of Bahia s Recôncavo region from a sample of 44 producers. A ...
Logistics inefficiencies in latin american landlocked countries
(ECLAC, 2014-07)
This document sets out an initial proposal for measuring costs in logistics chains, and is part of a line of work of the Natural Resources and Infrastructure Division of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the ...
Method for improving critical strategic and operational success factors in a port system
(Elsevier B.V., 2018)
(In)efficiencies in Latin American ETFs
This study empirically evaluates the pricing efficiency of several Latin American Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) regarding deviations of ETF prices from their underlying net asset values (NAVs). A measure of these inefficiencies ...
The inefficient secret revisited: the legislative input and output of Brazilian deputies
(Wiley, 2003-11)
Shugart and Carey (1992) posit that presidential democracies in which legislators have a parochial focus of representation are electorally inefficient because voters are not offered highly identifiable choices over national ...
Inefficiency and Bank Failures: A Joint Bayesian Estimationof a Stochastic Frontier Model and a Hazards Model
(Universidad EAFITEscuela de Economía y Finanzas, 2018-08-27)
In modeling bank failure, estimating inefficiency separately from the hazards modelresults in inefficient, biased, and inconsistent estimators. We develop a method to si-multaneously estimate a stochastic frontier model ...
Efficiency analysis for Peruvian electricity distribution sector: inefficiency’s explicative factors. A study for 2000-2008
(Universidad del Pacífico. Centro de InvestigaciónPerú, 2010-12)
This paper estimates the inefficiency of Peruvian electricity distribution companies to determine if the expected results from the 90’s reform were met. To do this, we used data for 19 distribution companies for the period ...