Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2804
Main challenges in the identification and measurement of indirect costs in projects: A multiple case studyPrincipais desafios na identificação e mensuração dos custos indiretos em projetos: um estudo de múltiplos casos
Projects have direct and indirect costs; the direct ones are easily identified and quantified, the indirect ones are difficult to control, because they are generated in favor of more than one project, and even if they are ...
The cost of dementia in an unequal country: The case of Chile
(PLoS, 2017)
We study the economic cost of dementia in Chile, and its variation according to socioeconomic status (SES). We use primary data from a survey of 330 informal primary caregivers who completed both a RUD-Lite and a ...
The cost of dementia in an unequal country: The case of Chile
(PLoS, 2017)
We study the economic cost of dementia in Chile, and its variation according to socioeconomic status (SES). We use primary data from a survey of 330 informal primary caregivers who completed both a RUD-Lite and a ...
Direct and indirect costs associated to type 2 diabetes and its complications measured in a social security institution of Argentina
(Springer, 2014-10)
Objectives To estimate direct and indirect costs of care of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and its complications in Argentina, and compare them with those recorded in people without diabetes (ND).
Methods: Observational retrospective ...
Diseño de un sistema de costos por órdenes de producción para la empresa Esquissito, cantón Ambato, provincia de Tungurahua
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2022-03-08)
The primary purpose of this research was to design a costing system per production order for the Esquissito company of Ambato canton in Tungurahua province. This system allows identifying the unit cost of its components, ...
The behavioral consequences of repeated flight delays
Using longitudinal data from a major airline and the conditional difference-in-differences technique, we analyze the effects of flight delays on passengers' future purchasing behavior. We address the consequences of multiple ...
Metodologías de estimación de los costos indirectos de accidentes de tránsitoMethodologies for estimating the indirect costs of traffi c accidents
(Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, 2017-01)
Introducción: los accidentes de tránsito generan múltiples costos a la sociedad, entre ellos los vinculados con la pérdida de productividad de los afectados. Sin embargo, no existe consenso respecto a la metodología más ...