Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 380
Psychology and Indigenous People
(Annual Reviews Inc., 2022)
© 2022 Annual Reviews Inc.. All rights reserved.Whether there are common features inherent to the psychology of Indigenous peoples around the globe has been the subject of much debate. We argue that Indigenous peoples share ...
Jeepneys: tattoos on the collective soul
The interesting scenario and the methodological strategies chosen by Güss and Tuason in their study lead to the understanding that intra-cultural comparisons have an increased potential for connecting social structure and ...
Commentary: Jeepneys: Tattoos on the Collective Soul
The interesting scenario and the methodological strategies chosen by Güss and Tuason in their study lead to the understanding that intra-cultural comparisons have an increased potential for connecting social structure and ...
Mental test implementation in the National Technical School in the period between 1942 and 1959: An analysis from the questioning of the notions of center and periphery
The aim of this article is to analyze, under the reference of critical studies on transfer of knowledge between center and periphery, how the mental test was implemented in Brazil and came to be used in the students selection ...
Curriculum Violence: Occidental knowledge hegemony in relation to indigenous knowledge
Consideraciones históricas en torno a la psicología de la liberación y las indigenous psychology
(Universidad Nacional de San Luis, 2021)
El texto introduce la problemática únicamente desde la perspectiva de un historiador de la psicología. No podría afirmar en qué medida esa perspectiva podría contribuir a quienes se desempeñan en el campo de la psicología ...
Decolonizing psychological science: introduction to the special thematic section
(Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 2015-08-21)
Moved by mounting concerns about ongoing forms of multiple oppression (including racialized violence, economic injustice, unsustainable over-development, and ecological damage), we proposed a special thematic section and ...