Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 11
Asymptotic to systems with memory and non-local initial data
(World Scientific Publishing, 2020)
We study the existence and the asymptotic behavior of the solution of an abstract viscoelastic system submitted to non-local initial data. u(tt )+ Au - integral(t)(0) g(t - s)Bu(s)ds = 0 u(0) = xi(u) in V, u(t) (0) = eta(u) ...
Dynamics of finite dimensional non-hermitian systems with indefinite metric
(American Institute of Physics, 2019-01-25)
We discuss the time evolution of physical finite dimensional systems which are modelled by non-hermitian Hamiltonians. We address both general non-hermitian Hamiltonians and pseudo-hermitian ones. We apply the theory of ...
Charging assisted by thermalization
(American Physical Society, 2020)
A system in thermal equilibrium with a bath will generally be in an athermal state, if the system-bath coupling
is strong. In some cases, it will be possible to extract work from that athermal state, after disconnecting ...
Advanced-delay differential equation for aeroelastic oscillations in physiology
(World Scientific Publishing Company, 2013)
Transport and Spectroscopy in Conjugated Molecules: Two Properties and a Single Rationale
(American Chemical Society, 2020-05)
In the context of electron dynamics simulations, when the charge density of a molecule is subject to a perturbation in the form of a short electric field pulse, density fluctuations develop in time. In the absence of ...
Investigando o efeito de campos elétrico e magnético em um sistema dissipativo pulsante
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2014-02-26)
A ideia central deste trabalho é entender e analisar os aspectos dinâmicos do movimento de uma partícula eletricamente carregada movendo-se sob a ação da Força de Lorentz, devido a fontes de campos elétrico e magnético, ...
Investigando o efeito de campos elétrico e magnético em um sistema dissipativo pulsante
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2014-02-26)
A ideia central deste trabalho é entender e analisar os aspectos dinâmicos do movimento de uma partícula eletricamente carregada movendo-se sob a ação da Força de Lorentz, devido a fontes de campos elétrico e magnético, ...
Magnetic hysteresis
Magnetic hysteresis