Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1742
Neuromarketing and over-indebtedness: A happy marriage?Neuromarketing y sobreendeudamiento: ¿Matrimonio feliz?
(Revista de Actualidad Mercantil, 2020)
Analysis of the relationship between indebtedness and some macroeconomic variables in Iraq
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Hope, risk perception and propensity to indebtedness
Hope is an important construct in marketing, once it is an antecedent of important marketing variables, such as trust, expectation and satisfaction (MacInnis & de Mello, 2005, Almeida, Mazzon & Botelho, 2007). Specifically, ...
The debt crisis: a re-appraisal
(Editora 34, 2005-09-01)
The 1980s' debt crisis is a landmark in developing economies' growth and stabilization. According to the most quoted empirical articles, external shocks and vicissitudes gave rise to crisis just because of delays in ...
The debt crisis: a re-appraisal
(Editora 34, 2005-09-01)
The 1980s' debt crisis is a landmark in developing economies' growth and stabilization. According to the most quoted empirical articles, external shocks and vicissitudes gave rise to crisis just because of delays in ...
Valores do dinheiro e propensão ao endividamento: uma análise em estudantes de uma instituição federal de ensino superior
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBRAdministraçãoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2014-10-21)
This study's main objective is to identify the existence of a relationship between the Amounts of Money and Propensity to Indebtedness in students. One of the advantages of this work is to check what the values are assigned ...
The debt crisis: a re-appraisal
(Editora 34, 2014)