Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3306
Computational model based on shannon entropy to analyze violence against women: A case study in Peru
(International Research Publication House, 2018)
Violence against women is a social problem that not only affects women involved, but also their relatives and their environment. In Peru, it is a topic that is becoming increasingly more visible. In this work, a computational ...
Arresting Violence and Indiscipline
(Daily Express, 2005-03)
This article examines the trend of increasing indiscipline and violence in the school system of Trinidad and Tobago and the various ways in which this is manifested, including student-student aggression and student-teacher ...
Feminicide Violence Before and During the COVID-19 Health Emergency
(Mary Ann Liebert, 2022)
This work explores the extreme violence against women before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru, considering different restriction periods. This is relevant in view of increased violence against women. The objective ...
Corona virus pandemic and social isolation process influences on increased violence against women: an integrative reviewInfluências da pandemia por coronavírus e do processo de isolamento social no aumento da violência contra a mulher: uma revisão integrativa
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilEnfermagem, 2021)
Dating Violence Heterogeneity in University Couples. The Cases of Spain and South Korea
Research shows that dating violence is characterized by bigger ratios than those found among married couples of mutual and less severe forms of violence. The aim of this study is to increase knowledge about the violence ...
Violence With Femicide Risk: Its Effects on Women and Their Children
(Sage JournalsUS, 2021)
The objective of this study is to assess the effects that a specific type of severe violence—violence with femicide risk (VFR)—has on women’s physical and mental health, as well as the physical health of their children. I ...
Relations among Romantic Myths, Offline Dating Violence Victimization and Cyber Dating Violence Victimization in Adolescents
Cyber dating violence is an increasing problem with serious negative consequences for adolescents. Further knowledge about related variables is necessary to develop preventive strategies. The aim of this study was to analyze ...
Alcohol and violence in marital relations: A qualitative study with couples
This qualitative and descriptive study aimed to understand the relation between the alcohol consumption and the violence expansion, in the relationship of couples made up by, at least, one partner with alcohol dependence. ...
(Un)Broken: Lateral violence among hospital nurses, user violence, burnout, and general health: A structural equation modeling analysis
Introduction: Workplace violence is a social problem yet to be solved. Although it is present in virtually all work environments, its prevalence in healthcare settings stands out, being perceived as something inherent to ...