Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 220
Incomplete contract: a perspective between law and economics for long-term contractsContrato incompleto: uma perspectiva entre direito e economia para contratos de longo termo
(Escola de Direito de São Paulo da Fundação Getulio Vargas, 2014)
Performance of incentive contracts in highway PPP projects in Brazil
Private-Public Partnerships (P.P.P.) is a new contractual model institutionalized in 2004 that could be used to remedy to the infrastructure deficit in Brazil. In a context of a principal and agent relation, the public ...
Whither Contract Damages: Contracts with Bilateral Reliance, One-sided Private InformationLes dommages et intérêts d'origine contractuelle: nouvelles perspectives quant aux contrats bilatéraux avec asymétrie d'information
Este artículo explora los interrogantes económicos de la contratación al establecerse acuerdos bilaterales con información asimétrica unilateral post contractual, cuestión que ayuda a formular un modelo de contratación y ...
The consequences of hospital autonomization in Colombia: A transaction cost economics analysis
Granting autonomy to public hospitals in developing countries has been common over recent decades, and implies a shift from hierarchical to contract-based relationships with health authorities. Theory on transactions costs ...
Preferential trade agreements and global sourcing
We study how a preferential trade agreement (PTA) affects international sourcing decisions, aggregate productivity and welfare under incomplete contracting and endogenous matching. Contract incompleteness implies ...
The impact of “incomplete contracts” on long-term infrastructure concessions
(ECLAC, 2020-09-16)
Provision of infrastructure services is one of the development bottlenecks for Latin American and Caribbean countries. As the Infrastructure Services Unit team has found in its analysis and has warned for many years, ...
Financial incentives and loan officer behavior: multitasking and allocation of effort under an incomplete contract
(EBAPE - Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas, 2015)
We investigate the implications of providing loan officers with a compensation structure that rewards loan volume and penalizes poor performance. Using a unique data set provided by a large international commercial bank, ...
Sequential equilibrium in incomplete markets with long-term debt
(Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2018)
This paper proves equilibrium existence in an incomplete market sequential economy
with finitely-lived debt contracts. Introducing credit constraints limiting agents’ access to liquidity, we show that a competitive ...