Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 19449
Incid??ncia e fatores associados ?? dengue: um estudo de vigil??ncia populacional em um pronto atendimento de Salvador-BA
(Disserta????o de Mestrado apresentada sob forma de artigo ao Programa de P??s-Gradua????o do Instituto de Sa??de Coletiva, como requisito parcial para obten????o do t??tulo de Mestre em Sa??de Comunit??ria., 2013)
Incid??ncia, distribui????o e determinantes da s??filis cong??nita na Bahia
(Instituto de Sa??de Coletiva-ISCPrograma de P??s-Gradua????o em Sa??de ColetivaISC-UFBAbrasil, 2015-04-15)
Epidemiology of road traffic incidents in Peru 1973-2008: Incidence, mortality, and fatality
(Public Library of Science, 2014)
The epidemiological profile and trends of road traffic injuries (RTIs) in Peru have not been well-defined, though this is a necessary step to address this significant public health problem in Peru. The Objetive: of this ...
Risk Factors Associated with Incident Syphilis in a Cohort of High-Risk Men in Peru
(Public Library of Science, 2016)
BACKGROUND: Syphilis is concentrated among high-risk groups, but the epidemiology of syphilis reinfection is poorly understood. We characterized factors associated with syphilis incidence, including reinfection, in a ...
HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infection Incidence and Associated Risk Factors Among High-Risk MSM and Male-to-Female Transgender Women in Lima, Peru
(Wolters Kluwer Health, 2015)
BACKGROUND: Men who have sex with men (MSM) and male-to-female transgender women (TW) are at increased risk of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). We evaluated factors associated with incidence of HIV, HSV-2, ...
Modeling spatial distribution of cancer incidence in Cordoba, Argentina
Background: Cancer is the second leading cause of death in Argentina, and there is little knowledge about its incidence. The first study based on population-based cancer registry described spatial incidence and indicated ...
Time series analysis of dengue incidence in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
(American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2018)