Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 269
The impact of the Inca Empire in Northwest Argentina: Assessment of health status and food consumption at Esquina de Huajra (Quebrada de Humahuaca, Argentina)
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2018)
The Inca Empire annexed the modern territory of Northwest Argentina ca. 1450 AD. Inca presence manifested regionally with different intensity, highlighting that the Empire carried out different strategies when interacting ...
Dating the expansion of the Inca empire: Bayesian models from Ecuador and Argentina
(Cambridge University Press, 2017-02)
The chronology of the Inca Empire has traditionally relied on ethnohistoric dates, which suggest that a northern expansion into modern Ecuador began in AD 1463 and a southern expansion into modern Argentina began in AD ...
On the Mode of Production Among the Incas : a historical-materialist analysisSobre el modo de producción entre los incas : un análisis histórico-materialista
(Fondo Editorial UNMSMFondo Editorial UNMSM, 1978)
Evaluación Numérica al volteo de un muro de una habitación inca del templo del Coricancha Cusco con encajes y sin encajes.Numerical evaluation of the overturning of a wall of an Inca room of the temple of Coricancha cusco with lace and without lace
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2024)
Camelid hunting and herding in Inca times: a view from the South of the empire
(Oxford University Press, 2017)
South American Camelids (SAC) occupied a central role in the development of Andean societies and were an essential element of the cultural landscape. During the Inca period camelids had a major significance to people, ...
Cuando el mundo hispánico era uno : los tiempos del Inca Garcilaso
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Centro de Investigaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe, 2019)
Food and Empire: Administration of Hunger in Royal Commentaries of the IncasAlimentos e imperio: La administración del hambre en comentarios reales de los Incas
(Universidad de Costa Rica. Campus Rodrigo Facio. Sitio web: https://www.ucr.ac.cr/ Teléfono: (506) 2511-4000. Correo de soporte: revistas@ucr.ac.cr, 2021)
Identidad, etnicidad e imperios: algunas reflexiones finales
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2004)
Inca Mortuary Practices: Material Accounts of Death in Quebrada De Humahuaca at the Time of the Empire
(Juniper Publishers, 2019-05)
This contribution has the purpose of presenting a set of material evidences linked to mortuary practices from Inca times recovered in Esquina de Huajra and Pucara de Tilcara archaeological sites. This in order to ponder ...