Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 80
A note on some new classes of constitutive relations for elastic bodies
(Oxford University Press, 2014)
The class of elastic bodies, that is bodies incapable of dissipation in whatever motion that they undergo,
has been significantly enlarged recently (see Rajagopal 2003, On implicit constitutive theories. Appl.
Math., 48, ...
Some universal solutions for incompressible elastic bodies that are not Green elastic
(Elsevier, 2020)
Universal solutions are found for isotropic elastic bodies, for a class of constitutive equation that is not Green elastic, wherein the linearized strain is assumed to be a function of the Cauchy stress. The structure of ...
A note on the wave equation for a class of constitutive relations for nonlinear elastic bodies that are not Green elastic
(Sage Publications, 2018)
A class of constitutive relations for elastic bodies has been proposed recently, where the linearized strain tensor is expressed as a nonlinear function of the stress tensor. Considering this new type of constitutive ...
On the treatment of non-solvable implicit constitutive relations in solid mechanics
(Sringer, 2015)
We report results concerning the treatment of elastic bodies described by implicit constitutive relations which are not solvable, in the sense of expressing the stresses as functions of the strains or vice versa. Motivated ...
A numerical study of elastic bodies that are described by constitutive equations that exhibit limited strains
(Elsevier, 2014)
Recently, a very general and novel class of implicit bodies has been developed to describe the elastic
response of solids. It contains as a special subclass the classical Cauchy and Green elastic bodies. Within
the class ...
Study of a new class of nonlinear inextensible elastic bodies
(Springer, 2015)
In this paper, we study the consequences of the constraint of inextensibility with regard to a class of constitutive relations, where the strain is given as a function of the stress. Such constitutive equations belong to ...
Implicit equations for thermoelastic bodies
(Elsevier, 2017)
In this paper we generalize the recent implicit models that have been put into place to describe the elastic response of bodies when thermal effects come into play. The implicit constitutive relations for thermoelastic ...
Modelling residual stresses in elastic bodies described by implicit constitutive relations
(Elsevier Ltd, 2018)
In this paper we study the response of bodies that are residually stressed within the context of a new class of constitutive relations, wherein the strains are assumed to be functions of the stresses. Such bodies are said ...
A Review of Implicit Constitutive Theories to Describe the Response of Elastic Bodies
(Springereditorial@springerplus.com, 2020)