Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1465
Identity Recognition Using an Artificial Intelligence Based on Artificial Immune System
This work aims to realize identity recognition using images from one Database [1]. This facial database is composed of 3D dynamical images or 4D considering the time component as the fourth dimension, where the head movements ...
IMCAD: Computer Aided System for Breast Masses Detection based on Immune Recognition
Computer Aided Detection (CAD) systems are very important tools which help radiologists as a second reader in detecting early breast cancer in an efficient way, specially on screening mammograms. One of the challenging ...
Immune literacy: reading, writing and editing adaptive immunity
Advances in reading, writing and editing DNA are providing unprecedented insights into the complexity of
immunological systems. This combination of systems and synthetic biology methods is enabling the
quantitative and ...
A New Artificial Immune System Based on Continuous Learning for Pattern Recognition
(Instituto de Informática - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2020)
Analysis of the SARS‑CoV‑2 spike protein glycan shield reveals implications for immune recognition
Here we have generated 3D structures of glycoforms of the spike (S) glycoprotein from SARS-CoV-2,
based on reported 3D structures and glycomics data for the protein produced in HEK293 cells. We
also analyze structures ...
Receptors and Signaling Pathways for Recognition of Bacteria in Livestock and Crops: Prospects for Beneficial Microbes in Healthy Growth Strategies
(Frontiers Media S.A., 2018-09)
Modern animal and crop production practices are associated with the regular use of antimicrobials, potentially increasing selection pressure on bacteria to become resistant. Alternative approaches are needed in order to ...
A new artificial immune system based on continuous learning for pattern recognitionUm novo sistema imunológico artificial baseado no aprendizado contínuo para reconhecimento de padrões
This paper presents a novel approach for pattern recognition based on continuous training inspired by the biological immune system operation. The main objective of this paper is to present a method capable of continually ...
Bacterial glycans and their interactions with lectins in the innate immune system
(Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 2019-11)
Bacterial surfaces are rich in glycoconjugates that are mainly present in their outer layers and are of great importance for their interaction with the host innate immune system. The innate immune system is the first barrier ...
Expanding the universe of cytokines and pattern recognition receptors: galectins and glycans in innate immunity
(Springer, 2011-02)
Effective immunity relies on the recognition of pathogens and tumors by innate immune cells through diverse pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) that lead to initiation of signaling processes and secretion of pro- and ...