Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1498
How are immigration policies affecting Brazil's economy?
How are current immigration policies for foreign workers affecting Brazil's economy, and what changes should be made? What other issues in the labor market are affecting businesses in the country?
Brazil's immigrant advertisements on nineteenth century: the case of the Sociedade Central de Imigracao (Central Immigration Society)
(Univ Estadual Paulista-unesp, Fac Ciencias Letras Assis, 2019-07-01)
This article intends to reflect about two problems linked to the history of immigration in Brazil. The first one is identify and understand the concept of advertising in that context, especially the one that was used to ...
Being Children of Immigrants in the Social Life of Young Brazilian Second-Generation Immigrants in the United States of America
(Univ Sao Carlos, Dept Sociology Federal, 2019-05-01)
This article deals with the themes of being children of immigrants and being a young Brazilian second-generation immigrant in the United States of America. Transiting on the issues of the identities, bonds and ethnic and ...
Where to go? The guides for emigrants as tools of Nineteenth-century Brazilian immigration propaganda
(Pontificia Univ Catolica Sao Paulo, 2018-01-01)
This article aims to discuss guides for immigrants, apparatuses of the immigrant's attraction policy developed by the Brazilian Empire, which is: The Emigrant's Guide to the Empire of Brazil (1884); and The Province of S. ...
Analysis and evaluation of Brazilian work-led immigration policy guidelines for institutional development in the 21th century
(IIAS (International Institute of Administrative Sciences), 2017)
There is a consistent literature suggesting that migration incentives can be a powerful tool for fostering new technologies and boosting development, softening the demographic transition, and making the labor market more ...
Panorama of immigration for Sao Paulo following the Second World War
This article proposes to analyze the results of a research conducted in the São Paulo Immigrants Memorial, whose purpose was to work with an agreement between the state of São Paulo and the Union, according to which the ...
Panorama of immigration for Sao Paulo following the Second World War
This article proposes to analyze the results of a research conducted in the São Paulo Immigrants Memorial, whose purpose was to work with an agreement between the state of São Paulo and the Union, according to which the ...
Expatriates, immigrants and refugees in Brazil: trajectories and insertion strategies
(DAPP, 2017-06-22)
Increased levels of international migration have become a significant political issue in many countries in recent years. In the case of Brazil, the immigration law, created in 1980 and still in force, is reminiscent of the ...