Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 199
Tilted and Short Implants Supporting Fixed Prosthesis in an Atrophic Maxilla: A 3D-FEA Biomechanical Evaluation
Purpose: This study compared the biomechanical behavior of tilted long implant and vertical short implants to support fixed prosthesis in an atrophic maxilla. Materials and Methods: The maxilla model was built based on a ...
Tilted and Short Implants Supporting Fixed Prosthesis in an Atrophic Maxilla: A 3D-FEA Biomechanical Evaluation
Purpose: This study compared the biomechanical behavior of tilted long implant and vertical short implants to support fixed prosthesis in an atrophic maxilla. Materials and Methods: The maxilla model was built based on a ...
Mapping regional strain in anesthetised healthy subjects during spontaneous ventilation
Introduction: Breathing produces a phenomenon of cyclic deformation throughout life. Biomechanically, deformation of the lung is measured as strain. Regional strain recently started to be recognised as a tool in the study ...
Progression of regional lung strain and heterogeneity in lung injury: assessing the evolution under spontaneous breathing and mechanical ventilation
Background: Protective mechanical ventilation (MV) aims at limiting global lung deformation and has been associated with better clinical outcomes in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients. In ARDS lungs without ...
Progression of regional lung strain and heterogeneity in lung injury: assessing the evolution under spontaneous breathing and mechanical ventilation
(Springer, 2020-12)
Background: Protective mechanical ventilation (MV) aims at limiting global lung deformation and has been associ‑
ated with better clinical outcomes in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients. In ARDS lungs ...
Progression of regional lung strain and heterogeneity in lung injury: assessing the evolution under spontaneous breathing and mechanical ventilation
Protective mechanical ventilation (MV) aims at limiting global lung deformation and has been associated with better clinical outcomes in acute respiratory ...
Measuring handball players trajectories using an automatically trained boosting algorithm
(Taylor & Francis LtdAbingdonInglaterra, 2011)
Improving the Accuracy of Registration-Based Biomechanical Analysis: A Finite Element Approach to Lung Regional Strain Quantification
Tissue deformation plays an important role in lung physiology, as lung parenchyma largely deforms during spontaneous ventilation. However, excessive regional deformation may lead to lung injury, as observed in patients ...