Mostrando ítems 1-5 de 5
Reimaginar el mito de las gucamayas ilustraciones 3D: transición de las guacamayas de seres mágicos a mujeres
The next project is a graphic illustration in 3d based on the canari mythology. the researcher realized the short outlines of the wold view generated through the guacmaya myth. where does revels important information about ...
Reinterpretación ilustrada de los arquetipos de los Arcanos Mayores del Tarot mediante la creación de una baraja inédita
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2021-01-08)
The innate need of the human being to unravel the mysteries of life was evidenced by his use of oracles; throughout human history, several forms of this type of magical tools have been found, and among them is the tarot, ...