Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 997
A discretely explosive text: Ideology and ideological state apparatusesUm texto discretamente explosivo: Ideologia e aparelhos ideológicos de Estado
(Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2014)
False messages about the coronavirus: legitimacy and manipulation in the class struggle
(Centro Int Estudios Superiores Comunicacion Amer Latina-ciespal, 2021-08-01)
This paper aims to analyze the first false messages composition on the new coronavirus and Covid-19 that circulated in Brazil. The analysis problematize the relationships between form and content that give legitimacy to ...
Althusser against functionalism. Towards the concept of ‘overinterpellation’
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2020)
Crônica política sobre um documento contra a ditabranda
This short article, a political chronicle, examines the meanings and political and ideological effects of a Internet petition that was created in February of 2009. Repúdio e Solidariedade (Repudiation and Solidarity) ...
Crônica política sobre um documento contra a ditabranda
This short article, a political chronicle, examines the meanings and political and ideological effects of a Internet petition that was created in February of 2009. Repúdio e Solidariedade (Repudiation and Solidarity) ...
Class dynamics and ideological construction in the struggle over fairness: a neo-Gramscian examination of the Fairtrade initiative
(Taylor & Francis, 2019-01)
This paper develops a neo-Gramscian conceptual framework in order to examine the ideological constructs and political dynamics that frame the day-to-day workings of the certification-based Fairtrade initiative. To accomplish ...
Discursos, hegemonia e agronegócio: tensão e luta de classes no contemporâneo
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Linguística - PPGL, 2010-12-16)
In this work we purpose a study of the relationships and discursive struggles that are established on material bases of society, the infrastructure, through the discourses that are produced about the economical activities ...
Que faire (with Discourse)? A materialist approach to discourse, ideology and politics in neoliberal conjuncture
(Universidad de Costa Rica, 2020)