Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 217
Isotopic Equilibrium Between Precipitation and Water Vapor in Northern Patagonia and Its Consequences on δ18Ocellulose Estimate
(Blackwell Publishing, 2020-02)
Modeling work of the isotopic composition of tree ring cellulose (δ18Ocell) relies on the isotopic equilibrium assumption between atmospheric water vapor and tree source water, frequently assimilated to integrated ...
Equilibrium states for maps isotopic to Anosov
In this work we address the problem of existence and uniqueness (finiteness) of ergodic equilibrium states for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms isotopic to Anosov on T4, with two-dimensional center foliation. To do so ...
Carbon isotope fractionation during calcium carbonate precipitation induced by urease-catalysed hydrolysis of urea
Stable carbon isotopic fractionation during calcium carbonate precipitation induced by urease-catalysed hydrolysis of urea was experimentally investigated in artificial water at a constant temperature of 30 degrees C. ...
Isotopic carbon turnover in pig hoof and rib
(Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá - EDUEM, 2021-06-14)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the behavior of carbon incorporation and turnover in hoof and ribs of pigs at different periods of development in the search for tissues that reflect longer the former diet. We ...
Oxygen isotope ratios of chironomids, aquatic macrophytes and ostracods for lake-water isotopic reconstructions - Results of a calibration study in Patagonia
(Elsevier Science, 2015-10)
Oxygen stable isotopes (δ18O) of biogenic sedimentary components from lake sediment archives, such as ostracod valves, are frequently used for palaeoclimatic reconstructions. However, the effects of host water isotope ...
Stable isotopes for determining carbon turnover in sheep feces and blood
(Elsevier B.V., 2012-11-01)
The objective of this work was to evaluate carbon turnover and half-life in feces and blood from sheep fed on C-3 and C-4 plant diets, using the stable isotope technique. Eight Santa Ines sheep were randomly distributed ...
Stable isotopes for determining carbon turnover in sheep feces and blood
(Elsevier B.V., 2012-11-01)
The objective of this work was to evaluate carbon turnover and half-life in feces and blood from sheep fed on C-3 and C-4 plant diets, using the stable isotope technique. Eight Santa Ines sheep were randomly distributed ...
Controls of extreme isotopic enrichment in modern microbialites and associated abiogenic carbonates
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020-01)
Microbialites and abiogenic carbonates of the closed-basin hypersaline lake Laguna Negra (Catamarca Province, Argentina) are highly enriched in both 13C and 18O. These carbonates precipitate in the zone of recharge where ...
Calibration and application of silica-water triple oxygen isotope thermometry to geothermal systems in Iceland and Chile
Triple oxygen isotope analyses were made on geothermal fluids and precipitates from Chile and Iceland to calibrate the silica-water isotopic fractionation for abiotic silica formation at elevated temperatures and were used ...
Calibration and application of silica-water triple oxygen isotope thermometry to geothermal systems in Iceland and Chile
(Elsevier, 2018)
Triple oxygen isotope analyses were made on geothermal fluids and precipitates from Chile and Iceland to calibrate the silica-water isotopic fractionation for abiotic silica formation at elevated temperatures and were used ...