Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3957
Gold ion implantation into alumina using an “inverted ion source” configuration.
(AIP PublishingAIP Publishing LLCNova York, 2014-02-21)
We describe an approach to ion implantation in which the plasma and its electronics are held at
ground potential and the ion beam is injected into a space held at high negative potential, allowing
considerable savings ...
Ion pair method to determine the CTAB content in gold nanorods samples
(Sociedad Chilena de Quimica, 2015)
In this work, we report a fast and accessible method for quantification of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) in solutions of gold nanorods (GNRs) by bromophenol blue (BPB) ion-paring formation and spectrophotometric ...
Altitudinal variations in H and Al ions interchange along with Fe content in Amazonian rainforest soilVariaciones altitudinales en el intercambio de iones H y Al junto con el contenido de Fe en el suelo de la AmazoniaVariações altitudinais nos íons H e Al trocam com o teor de Fe no solo da floresta amazônica
(Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, 2018)
Altitudinal variations in H and Al ions interchange along with Fe content in Amazonian rainforest soilVariaciones altitudinales en el intercambio de iones H y Al junto con el contenido de Fe en el suelo de la AmazoniaVariações altitudinais nos íons H e Al trocam com o teor de Fe no solo da floresta amazônica
(Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, 2018)
Los suelos varían ampliamente en la Amazonía mostrando gran diversidad, diferentes características morfológicas
y propiedades físico-químicas. Las investigaciones llevadas a cabo en estas áreas ayudan al conocimiento ...
A full-atom multiscale modelling for sodium chloride diffusion in anion exchange membranes
(Elsevier Science, 2021-11)
A novel full-atom multiscale method, combining different computational approaches and aimed to describe diffusion of multiple ions in anion exchange membranes (AEM), is presented. The method is used to evaluate diffusion ...
Ion accumulation, water relations and osmotic adjustment in Atriplex argentina, A. crenatifolia, A. lampa and A. nummularia under saline conditions
(David Publishig, 2016-12)
Salinity is a major stress that adversely affects growth and productivity in plants. There are species that tolerate this stress within the genus Atriplex. Four species, A. lampa, A. crenatifolia, A. nummularia and A. ...
Bacterial cellulose/triethanolamine based ion-conducting membranes
(Springer, 2014-06-01)
New bacterial cellulose (BC)-triethanolamine (TEA) ion-conducting membranes have been prepared and characterized. The samples were obtained by soaking BC membranes in triethanolamine aqueous solutions and drying. The ...
2D/3D Numerical Analyses of Corrosion Initiation in RC Structures Accounting Fluctuations of Chloride Ions by External Actions
The diffusion of chloride ions in reinforced concrete (RC) varies in space and time, depending on many uncertain factors as material properties, temperature, aging, humidity and external loadings. In this paper, the goals ...
Higher order ionospheric effects in GNSS positioning in the European region
(Copernicus Gesellschaft Mbh, 2011-01-01)
After removal of the Selective Availability in 2000, the ionosphere became the dominant error source for Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), especially for the high-accuracy (cm-mm) demanding applications like the ...