Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3259
Effect of arginine on microorganisms involved in dental caries: a systematic literature review of in vitro studies
This systematic review aimed to discuss the effects of arginine on caries-related microorganisms in different in vitro biofilm models. The eligibility criteria were in vitro studies that evaluated the effect of arginine ...
Degradación in-vitro de mezclas de poliuretano termoplástico y almidón modificado
(Polímeros, 2013)
The chemical structure of the cassava starch was modified by acylation. Cassava starch modified was mixed
with urethane prepolymer based on castor oil modified by transesterification (MCO) and isophorone diisocyanate ...
Brotações adventícias de abacaxizeiro ornamental sob o efeito de benzilaminopurina, ácido naftalenoacético e períodos de subcultivo.
(Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, Brasilia, DF, v. 43, n.9, p.1115-1120, set. 2008., 2011)
Microencapsulation of roasted coffee oil Pickering emulsions using spray- and freeze-drying: physical, structural and in vitro bioaccessibility studies
Microcapsules produced from well-defined emulsion templates are an interesting alternative for lipid encapsulation. This work aimed to produce microcapsules by the freeze-drying (FD) and spray-drying (SD) of Pickering ...
Effect of Intracoronal bleaching agents on dentin microhardness
(Elsevier Science IncNew YorkEUA, 2007)