Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 34
A Note on the Influence of Intermediate Restraints and Hinges in Frequencies and mode shapes of beams
(International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration, 2014-12)
This note deals with the free transverse vibration of a beam with two arbitrarily located internal hinges, four intermediate elastic restraints, and ends elastically restrained against rotation and translation. The method ...
A Study on Mode Shapes of Beams with Internal Hinges and Intermediate Elastic Restraints
A Study on the Effect of Two Internal Translational Elastic Restraints on the Mode Shape of Beams
Variational Approach of Timoshenko Beams with Internal Elastic Restraints
(David Publishing Company, 2013-10)
An exact approach for free transverse vibrations of a Timoshenko beam with ends elastically restrained against rotation and translation and arbitrarily located internal restraints is presented. The calculus of variations ...
Some observations in the dynamics of beams with intermediate supports
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2004-03)
Several investigators have studied the influence of rotational and/or translational restraints at the ends of vibrating beams [1–17]. Kameswara Rao and Mirza [18] have derived exact frequency and normal mode shape expressions ...
Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas acerca de sujeciones físicas en cuidadores de los centros geriátricos de la ciudad de Cuenca, durante el año 2018
Background: the use of physical restraints mainly as a means of preventing falls in older adults living in long-stay centers has been widely documented, several studies have focused on evaluating knowledge about the subject, ...
Effeitos do estresse agudo sobre o comportamento de ratos no labirinto em T elevado, imunorreatividade à proteína FOS e concentrações séricas de corticosterona
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2012-09-21)
Resultados de estudos anteriores sugerem que o estresse agudo por restrição
facilita respostas de esquiva medidas no modelo do labirinto em T elevado (LTE),
um efeito ansiogênico. Por outro lado, as respostas de fuga se ...
Eigenfrequencies of generally restrained Timoshenko beams
(SAGE Publications, 2010-06)
This article deals with the free transverse vibration of a Timoshenko beam with intermediate elastic constraints and ends elastically restrained against rotation and translation. A combination of the Ritz method and the ...