Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 841
A weight gain chart for pregnant women designed in Chile
(WILEY, 2005)
The weight gain chart for pregnant women, developed by Rosso and Mardones (RM chart, 1997), is analysed and compared with other charts in terms of its usefulness for targeting nutritional interventions aimed at preventing ...
344 Point of Care Ultrasonography Training in Bogotá Emergency Medicine Residencies: The Unmet Need
Background: As ultrasonography equipment has evolved toward increased portability, higher quality and lower cost, the field of point-of-care ultrasonography has grown, with numerous applications for emergency medicine ...
Impact of the Use of Non-Pharmacological Care Tools in Building the Perception of Dignity in Ailing People at the End-of-Life
(Openventio publishers, 2020-08-12)
Objective This paper examines the link between non-pharmacological care tools carried out by volunteers in a hospice and the development of the perception of dignity in people with end-of-life terminal illnesses. Materials ...
Polymorphisms in the genes related to angiogenesis are associated with uterine cervical cancer
Introduction: The expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and transforming growth factor A1 (TGF-?1) participates in the angiogenesis of several cancer types. ...
Polymorphisms in the genes related to angiogenesis are associated with uterine cervical cancer
Introduction: The expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and transforming growth factor A1 (TGF-β1) participates in the angiogenesis of several cancer types. ...
Book review of: Barcelona: An Urban History of Science and Modernity, 1888-1929. Edited by Oliver Hochadel and Agustí Nieto-Galan. New York: Routledge, 2016
How to write histories of science (and technology and medicine)taking into account urban spaces seriously? How the practices ofscience shaped in profound ways modern cities, and, at the sametime, how urban spaces are driving ...
Marihuana controversia legal, con fin medicinal
(Facultad de DerechoDerecho, 2017)
En Colombia el negocio de la marihuana es liderado por organizaciones criminales, microempresarios del cannabis terapéutico, comunidades y etnias de zonas rurales y urbanas, quienes cultivan, procesan y comercializan la ...
Quality and dose optimization in hand computed radiography
(Elsevier B. V., 2015)
The objective of the present study was to optimize a radiographic technique for hand examinations using a computed radiography (CR) system and demonstrate the potential for dose reductions compared with clinically established ...