Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 447
Kemalismo : tercer camino
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Centro Coordinador y Difusor de Estudios LatinoamericanosMX, 2021)
Quebec-Canadá : ¿hacia el fin de la relación federal?
(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Centro Coordinador y Difusor de Estudios Latinoamericanos, 2021)
The social basis of separatism: explaining support for the Puerto Rican Independence Movement
(Departamento de Estudos Latino-Americanos - ELA, 2007)
OP84 - Farquhar, Peter
Peter Farquhar, son of Canon Max Farquhar, was born in 1927 in Conakry, Guinea. He was educated at Sangre Grande Government School and Queen's Royal College. He also studied at the London School of Economics and was trained ...
Liderazgo electoral y el movimiento independienteElectoral leadership and the independent movement
Este artículo parte de los modelos de liderazgo del Gran Hombre y el Transformacional para explicar la motivación de 11 voluntarios que trabajaron en la campaña presidencial de Jaime Heliodoro Rodríguez Calderón el Bronco ...
OP18 - Seukeran, Lionel
Lionel Seukeran was bom in 1908 and entered politics in 1946 after a brief teaching career. He later studied law. He entered the Legislature, having won a seat as an Independent candidate, in 1956 and subsequently sewed ...
OP32 - Barrette, Jim; King, Christina
Jim Barrette and Christina King were activists in the labour and trade union movements of the 1930s. See also OP 29.
OP86 - Lewis, J. O'Neil
Dr J.O'Neil Lewis had a distinguished career in the Civil Service. He served as Secretary to the Economic Advisory Board to the government and worked very closely with Dr Eric Williams.
OP58 - Solomon, Patrick
Dr Patrick Solomon, a qualified physician, practised in Scotland, Ireland, Wales and the Leeward Islands before retuning to Trinidad in 1942. His foray into politics began when he joined the West Indian National Party ...