Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 129
The total solar eclipse of December 14, 2020 in southern South America and its effects on atmospheric variables
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2021-04)
A total solar eclipse affected southern South America on December 14, 2020.Its occurrence close to the summer solstice in the Southern Hemisphere andaround noon brought almost ideal conditions to study the effects of the ...
Desinfecção solar: uma solução de baixo custo para o tratamento de águas residuárias
In the last decades, many studies have shown the efficiency of UV rays in the removal of pathogens from water. Solar radiation has an important component of UV radiation which affects the DNA chains of the microorganisms ...
Solar radiation prediction using different techniques: model evaluation and comparison
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd., 2016-08)
Daily observations of meteorological parameters, air temperature, air pressure, relative humidity, water vapor pressure and sunshine duration hours observed at 12 stations in different climatic zones during 1961-2014 are ...
Solar and Climatic High Performance Factors for the Placement of Solar Power Plants in Argentina Andes Sites: Comparison with African and Asian Sites
(American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019-08)
The installation of solar power plants is currently having a notable expansion. The results presented show that the Argentinean Andes range, from the central to northern latitudes, is an excellent region for the placement ...
Microclimate under different shading screens in greenhouses cultivated with bromeliadsMicroclima sob diferentes malhas de sombreamento em ambiente protegido cultivado com bromélias
(Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola - UFCG, 2012)
This study had as its objective the evaluation of the influence of shading screens of different colors on the different microclimate variables in a greenhouse covered with transparent low-density polyethylene (LDPE). The ...
Avaliação de modelo matemático para estimar a radiação solar incidente sobre superfícies com diferentes exposições e declividades
(Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola (SBEA), 2014)
Atmospheric transmissivity: distribution and empirical estimation around the central Andes
(John Wiley & SonsPE, 2004)
This study of the distribution in space and time of atmospheric transmissivity τ takes into account the fact that, in complex
terrain, many factors affect this variable; thus, it is not possible to use the generalizations ...
Avaliação de modelo matemático para estimar a radiação solar incidente sobre superfícies com diferentes exposições e declividades
(Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola (SBEA), 2006-04-01)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar modelo matemático para estimar a radiação solar global diária sobre superfícies com diferentes exposições e declividades, no período de março de 2002 a março de 2003. A pesquisa foi ...