Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2170
Chilean Teachers’ Attitudes towards Inclusive Education, Intention, and Self-Efficacy to Implement Inclusive Practices
Teachers play an important role in the success of inclusive practices for diverse learners in
regular classrooms. It is, therefore, important to examine their beliefs and preparation to teach in inclusive
classrooms. The ...
Attitudes about inclusion by educators and physical educators: Effects of participation in an inclusive adapted physical education program
This study assessed the attitudes about the inclusion of students with disability by professionals in education and health, relative to their experience and training. We compared three groups: 20 teachers and trainees who ...
Social attitudes toward inclusion: Recent research advancesAtitudes sociais em relação à inclusão: Recentes avanços em pesquisa
The Salamanca Declaration, signed in 1994, promoted discussions on a new proposal, the inclusion, and so the focus of attention moved from the person with disability to his/her environment. Such change contributed to give ...
Teachers' perception of inclusion
Attitudes about inclusion by educators and physical educators: Effects of participation in an inclusive adapted physical education program
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Instituto de Biociências, 2013-01-01)
This study assessed the attitudes about the inclusion of students with disability by professionals in education and health, relative to their experience and training. We compared three groups: 20 teachers and trainees who ...
Social attitudes of educational agents towards inclusion and training in applied behavior analysisAtitudes sociais de agentes educacionais em relação à inclusão e à formação em análise do comportamento aplicada
The social attitudes of educational agents can influence the development of inclusive practices in the school context. Considering the main challenges of school inclusion of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in ...
Teachers` attitudes towards inclusive educationActitudes de los docentes acerca de la educación inclusiva
(Universidad Católica del Uruguay, 2017)
Perception and attitude of training teachers towards educative inclusiónPERCEPCIONES Y ACTITUDES DE LOS ESTUDIANTES DE PEDAGOGÍA HACIA LA INCLUSIÓN EDUCATIVA
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades., 2018)