Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 18
Flux and provenance of ice-rafted debris in the earliest Pleistocene sub-polar North Atlantic Ocean comparable to the last glacial maximum
(Amsterdam, 2012-07-13)
Relatively little is known in detail about the locations of the early Pleistocene ice-sheets responsible for ice-rafted debris(IRD) inputs to the sub-polar North Atlantic Ocean during intensification of northern hemisphere ...
Dropstones in the Mar del Plata Canyon Area (SW Atlantic): Evidence for Provenance, Transport, Distribution, and Oceanographic Implications
(American Geophysical Union, 2021-01)
A variety of gravel- to cobble-sized rocks, recovered from the Mar del Plata (MdP) Canyon area (Western South Atlantic at 38°S) and interpreted as ice-rafted debris, represent the first evidence that large icebergs have ...
Transformation, partitioning and flow–deposit interactions during the run-out of megaflows
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2017-02)
Four megabeds (I to IV) were recognized throughout the Cerro Bola inlier, a glacially influenced depositional area of the Carboniferous Paganzo Basin, south-western La Rioja Province, Argentina. Such anomalous thick beds ...
Relación entre variaciones isotópicas de 18O y 2H de agua intersticial en testigos de sedimento y dinámica del frente del glaciar Europa, Campos de Hielo Sur, Chile.
(Universidad de Concepción.Facultad de Ciencias QuímicasDepartamento de Ciencias de la Tierra., 2021)
Los Campos de Hielo Sur corresponden a las más grandes masas de hielo temperadas en el hemisferio sur.
Muchos de los glaciares que lo componen se encuentran en retroceso desde su máxima extensión glaciar
moderna hace ...
O grupo itararé (Neocarbonífero-eopermiano) entre porto amazonas (PR) e mafra (SC): Sedimentação gravitacional em contexto marinho deltaico com influência glacial
Gravitational sedimentation from the permocarboniferous section of Paraná Basin is well known although still understudied. Mass-transport deposits (MTDs) as debris flows and slumps, beside turbidites, predominantly ...
Life in the late Paleozoic ice age: Trace fossils from glacially influenced deposits in a late carboniferous fjord of western Argentina
(Paleontological Society, 2011-05)
The early Late Carboniferous rocks of the Guandacol Formation in western Argentina preserve the glacial to postglacial transition. In the study area, this unit has been divided in three intervals: 1) a lower diamictitic ...
Iceberg scour marks in rhythmites of the Itararé Subgroup (Neopaleozoic), Trombudo Central, Santa CatarinaEstruturas de arrasto de icebergs em ritmito do Subgrupo Itararé (Neopaleozóico), Trumbudo Central, SC
(Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Geociências, 1992)
Inter- and intratill boulder pavements in the Carboniferous Hoyada Verde Formation of West Argentina: An insight on glacial advance/retreat fluctuations in Southwestern Gondwana
(Elsevier Science, 2016-04)
Two glacially abraded surfaces have been identified in the glaciomarine section of the Carboniferous Hoyada Verde Formation, Calingasta-Uspallata basin in west Argentina. The Glacial Erosion Surfaces (GES) found in the ...
Climate-driven changes in sedimentation rate influence phosphorus burial along continental margins of the northwestern Mediterranean
(Elsevier, 2018)
The burial of phosphorus (P) in continental margin sediments is a critical component of the marine reactive P budget, and thus an important factor in marine biological productivity. We determined downcore records of P from ...
(Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas, Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2014)