Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 592
Clinical characteristics and thyroid function in complete hydatidiform mole complicated by hyperthyroidism
Objectives: To identify possible clinical factors associated with hyperthyroidism at presentation and to assess post-evacuation thyroid function in women with complete hydatidiform mole (CHM). Methods: This observational ...
Retraction of lower limbs in a female with hyperthyroidism Retracción de miembros inferiores en un paciente con hipertiroidismo
We report a 47 years old woman with hyperthyroidism that had a severe tendinous retraction of hips and knees that subsided with propylthiouracil treatment. Electrodiagnosis showed myopathic alterations and muscle strength ...
Serum cytokine levels in autoimmune and non-autoimmune hyperthyroid states
(Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica, 2000)
Increased glucose synthesis in renal tubule fragments from hyperthyroid rats
(Natl Research Council Canada, 1999-02-01)
Rates of glucose synthesis from several substrates were examined in renal tubule fragments from hyperthyroid rats. A hyperthyroid state was induced by daily intraperitoneal injections of thyroxine (T-4) (100 mu g/100 g ...
Increased glucose synthesis in renal tubule fragments from hyperthyroid rats
(Natl Research Council Canada, 1999-02-01)
Rates of glucose synthesis from several substrates were examined in renal tubule fragments from hyperthyroid rats. A hyperthyroid state was induced by daily intraperitoneal injections of thyroxine (T-4) (100 mu g/100 g ...
Increased glucose synthesis in renal tubule fragments from hyperthyroid rats
Rates of glucose synthesis from several substrates were examined in renal tubule fragments from hyperthyroid rats. A hyperthyroid state was induced by daily intraperitoneal injections of thyroxine (T4) (100 μg/100 g body ...
Zymosan-induced luminol-amplified chemiluminescence of whole blood phagocytes in experimental and human hyperthyroidism
Luminol-amplified CL of whole blood phagocytes was studied in rats given 3 consecutive doses of 0.1 mg L-triiodothyronine
T3/kg or in hyperthyroid patients, after stimulation by zymosan. In both cases, CL was significantly ...
Degree of Control and Main Complications of Hyperthyroid Pregnant Women in a Real Life Experience with Methimazol
(Science Publishing Group, 2020)
Increased glucose synthesis in renal tubule fragments from hyperthyroid rats
(Natl Research Council Canada, 2014)