Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 816
Pumped hydro storage plants: a review
Pumped hydro storage plants (PHSP) are considered the most mature large-scale energy storage technology. Although Brazil stands out worldwide in terms of hydroelectric power generation, the use of PHSP in the country is ...
Dataset after seven years simulating hybrid energy systems with Homer Legacy
(Data Science Journal, 2020)
Hydro power plants in Ecuador: A technical and economical analysis
(IEEE, 2008)
Private investment in generation plants in Ecuador has been null over the last 10 years due to several political and economical factors. The only important hydro plant over that period, a 250 MW plant, was constructed by ...
Systematic tool to plan and evaluate demand side strategies during sustained energy crises in hydrothermal power systems
(Elsevier, 2015)
HARE, a systematic tool to evaluate demand side measures to face sustained energy supply risk in
hydrothermal power systems is presented in this paper. The main focus of the paper is to help centralized
planners to ...
Hydro or coal: Energy and the environment in Chile
(IEEE, 2008)
Coal and hydro will be the main sources of electric energy in Chile for the near future, given that natural gas from neighbouring Argentina is not longer available and LNG price projections leave it only as a backup fuel. ...
Long-Run Energy and Emissions Modeling in Chile: Scenario Assessment using MESSAGE
The evolution of Chile's energy matrix into a more sustainable system with high levels of energy adequacy and security in the long term brings with it important challenges and could signify a paradigm change in the manner ...