Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2489
Geografía Económica(1)
The economic geography is a subject that is part of the unit IV in the geography subject; this economic science as it tell us her concept, study the relation between the physical factors and biological creative of the ...
Geografía Económica(2)
The economic geography is a subject that is part of the unit IV in the geography subject; this economic science as it tell us her concept, study the relation between the physical factors and biological creative of the ...
Diferencias en la vivienda, albergues turísticos, lenguaje, el parentesco y percepción del turismo en las comunidades Bribri con diferentes niveles de aislamiento geográfico (Talamanca, Costa Rica)
(Cuadernos de Investigación UNED, 2015)
Tourism is an economic,
social and cultural activity that exerts positive and negative influences
on communities and ecosystems where it is implemented. Tourism
is occurring in the Talamanca valley communities of Yorkín, ...
Geographies of schooling
Researchers across different disciplines have shown a growing interest in the spatial
dimension of education and learning in its different forms. The number of publications on geography of education (Brock, 2016; Butler ...
Actividades Económicas y Geopolítica
Vistazo a la geografía
Geografía y actividades económicas
Los recursos naturales varias dependiendo la situación geográfica, ya que la convección el agua y la posición del territorio dependerá el clima y por lo tanto los diversos recursos naturales.
Regiones Geo culturales de Hidalgo
The state of Hidalgo has 10 geo cultural regions and each has different geographical features and cultural elements that make it different and unique in the state.
Elementos del estado mexicano territorio y población