Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 8491
Housing research project. (Development planning series; no. T.2/2-1.)
(Ministry of Finance, Town and Country Planning Division., 2011-09-06)
Sample survey of household size, mobility, tenure, schedule, age structure, marital status, employment and education within households, housing design and cost data and social aspects, in preparation for regional planning ...
Frei Montalva promoted the "Operacion Sitio" program and Villa La Reina by Fernando Castillo Velasco is an exemplary case of it. Given scarcity, the people got only what they could not obtain by themselves: urban design ...
Delivering higher density suburban development: the impact of building design and residents' attitudes
(Sage, 2021)
The urgent need for housing in London will be met almost exclusively through building on brownfield sites. While Inner and suburban Outer London are both home to a range of brownfield sites, the politics of delivering new ...
Libitumestidio residencias estudiantiles en Bogotá
(Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo. Arquitectura, 2017)
Solomon, Denzil
Planning for development greater Arouca : A development study of Bon Air and Garden Estates.
(Town and Country Planning Division., 2011-09-06)
Describes the then government's housing programme, planning methods for the housing estates, site characteristics, land use, design standards, population analysis, the development proposals, phasing and implementation of ...
Coblentz House apartments, Coblentz Gardens, Port of Spain: Sketch design report.
(Colin Laird Associates Consortium., 2011-09-06)
Presents proposals for the development of apartments at Coblentz Gardens, including a description of the Coblentz Great House, the development site, designs of intended buildings and facilities, and proposed infrastructure.
Life cycle carbon emissions inventory of brick masonry and light steel framing houses in Brasilia: proposal of design guidelines for low-carbon social housing
(ANTAC - Associação Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Construído, 2017)
The lifestyles of space standards: concepts and design problems
Space standards are envisioned as a powerful means to regulate dwelling design, ensuring the quality, functionality, and safety of homes. Their ultimate objective is to guarantee a minimum level of design quality that can ...
Acoustic behavior in three types of housing: Brick social housing, structural insulated panel (SIP) emergency housing and mediagua emergency housing
(Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Escuela de Construccion Civil, 2019)
As part of the analysis of the technical criteria for emergency housing of Fondef project D09I1058, the acoustic behavior of three types of dwellings was measured: brick social housing, structural insulated panel (SIP) ...