Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 81
Hormetic effects of glyphosate on plants
As all herbicides act on pathways or processes crucial to plants, in an inhibitory or stimulatory way, low rates of any herbicide might be used to modulate plant growth, development, or plant composition. Glyphosate is the ...
Hormetic effects of curcumin: What is the evidence?
(Wiley-Liss Inc., 2019)
Hormetic effect of glyphosate persists during the entire growth period and increases sugarcane yield
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2020-02-18)
BACKGROUND Stimulation of plant growth by low doses of a toxic compound is defined as a hormetic effect. Exposure of plants to low doses of glyphosate can cause stimulatory effects on growth or other variables. Sugarcane ...
The impact of water regimes on hormesis by glyphosate on common bean
One way to induce the phenomenon of hormesis in plants is to use low herbicide doses. However, because results are not very conclusive, there is the hypothesis that hydric conditions during the crop cycle may influence the ...
Hormetic responses of a stinkbug predator to sublethal doses of pyrethroid
(Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2018)
Glyphosate applied at a hormetic dose improves ripening without impairing sugarcane productivity and ratoon sprouting
The management of sugarcane ripening is essential to ensuring the supply of high-quality raw material for the sugar-alcohol industry; chemical ripeners are frequently used to accelerate sucrose accumulation in the stalks ...
Application of 2,4-D hormetic dose associated with the supply of nitrogen and nickel on cotton plants
Growth traits, yield, N content, photosynthetic pigments, ammonia and amino acids were measured to verify the effect of the interaction between N, Ni, and 2,4-D applied in the cotton crop. The objective was to study the ...
Hormetic-Like Effects of L-Homocysteine on Synaptic Structure, Function, and Aβ Aggregation
(MDPI Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2020-02)
Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is the primary cause of dementia among the elderly population. Elevated plasma levels of homocysteine (HCy), an amino acid derived from methionine metabolism, are considered a risk factor and ...