Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2072
Multidrug‑Resistant Escherichia coli in Costa Rican Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants Maintains Horizontal Transfer Capacity of Resistance Determinants in Effluents
This study was conducted to evidence
the dissemination potential of antibiotic resistance
genetic elements in E. coli isolates of Costa Rican
domestic wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Few
studies have addressed ...
A kinetic model for horizontal transfer and bacterial antibiotic resistance
(World Scientific, 2017-05)
This paper presents a mathematical model for bacterial growth, mutations, horizontal transfer and development of antibiotic resistance. The model is based on the so-called kinetic theory for active particles that is able ...
Development parameters of the latent period as a response of rubber tree resistance to south smerican leaf blightParâmetros do desenvolvimento do período latente em resposta à resistência da seringueira ao mal das folhas
The major phytosanitary problem for rubber tree cultivation in Brazil is the disease known as South American leaf blight, caused by the fungus Microcyclus ulei. Its symptoms manifest in young leaves and cause intense ...
Characterization of the horizontal resistance of coffee (Coffea arabica) to yellow rust (Hemileia vastatrix) in the field and laboratory
(The American Phytopathological SocietyUS, 2022-03-25)
Between 2011–2013, yellow rust unleashed one of the most important phytosanitary crises in the coffee sector in Peru, causing a negative impact on the rural family economy. One of the factors associated with the intensification ...
Assessment of horizontal curves of an existing road using reliability concepts
Horizontal curves on road are commonly analyzed under design speed point of view, where it is assumed that the maximum speed of a vehicle in a curve is the design speed. The empirical evidence has demonstrated that when ...
Metagenomic Approaches to Analyze Antimicrobial Resistance: an overview
(Frontiers Media S.A.Suica, 2023)
Evidence of horizontal gen transfer of antibiotic resistance genes from environmental bacteriaEvidencia de transferencia horizontal de genes de resistencia a antibióticos provenientes de bacterias ambientales
(USFQ PRESS, departamento editorial de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito USFQ, 2010)
Análise multivariada dos componentes da resistência à ferrugem-asiática em genótipos de soja.
(Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, Brasilia, DF, v. 43, n.10, p.1277-1286, out. 2008., 2014)
The ‘thanato-resistome’ - The funeral industry as a potential reservoir of antibiotic resistance: Early insights and perspectives
The funeral industry is
a potential reservoir of antibiotic resistance. The occurrence,
human exposure and health risks of antibiotic resistance in the funeral industry were examined. The funeral industry harbours ...