Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 14205
Horizontal scalability analysis in a hbase clusterAnálise de escalabilidade horizontal em um cluster hbase
Horizontal Scalability allows resources to be distributed by the addition of nodes, being made more flexible by the NoSQL Database. This work evaluates the horizontal scalability potential of a Hbase Database cluster, ...
Análisis jurídico de la constitución de la propiedad horizontal
The Ecuadorian State, in its attempt to meet the housing needs of its people, has opted to create and reform rules on Horizontal Property, such as the horizontal property law, which has brought about very novel reforms but ...
Qualidade de vida urbana: análise de serviços financeiros em Belo Horizonte
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilFCE - DEPARTAMENTO DE CIÊNCIAS ECONÔMICASUFMG, 2019-05)
The analysis of the spatial distribution of goods and services and their impacts on people's quality of life is an important theme in urban studies. This article discusses the quality of urban life based on the analysis ...
Aproximações entre arquitetura e urbanismo nas intervenções realizadas no hipercentro de Belo Horizonte
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2006-07-27)
The main objective of the work is the construction of interfaces between architecture and urbanism through the study of relation between urban proposals and local interventions in Hipercentro of Belo Horizonte. For such ...
Partidos legislativos e governo de coalizão: controle horizontal das políticas públicas
(Opinião Pública, 2019)
Análise da habilidade motora fundamental de saltar na horizontal em crianças obesas
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Educação Física e Desportos, 2007-08-30)
This research investigated if significant differences in the process and the product of the horizontal
jump in function of the obesity exist. Ten obese children and ten not obese ones registered in the
Municipal net of ...