Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 30
Validation of the Short-Version of the Modern Homonegativity Scale in Chilean YouthValidación de la Versión Abreviada de la Escala de Homonegatividad Moderna en Jóvenes Chilenos
(Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2022)
Copyright 2021 by PsykheThough gay and lesbian rights have received increasing recognition around the world, prejudice and discrimination have become more covert. The main objective of this study was to validate the 10-item ...
Attitudes toward Lesbians, Gay Men, and Their Rights in a Sample of Ecuadorian Cisgender Men and Women
(Journal of Homosexuality, 2022)
Association of internalised homonegativity with partner notification after diagnosis of syphilis or gonorrhoea among men having sex with men in 49 countries across four continents.
(BioMed Central Ltd, 2023)
BACKGROUND: Partner notification (PN) after a sexually transmitted infection (STI) diagnosis is being promoted as a means to interrupt transmission chains. We investigated whether Internalised Homonegativity (IH) is ...
Comparison of Three Related Concepts of Homonegativity among Three Faculties of Health SciencesComparación de tres conceptos afines de homonegatividad entre tres facultades de ciencias de la salud
(Consorcio de Universidades Mexicanas A.C., 2014)
Evidence of validity of a modern homonegativity measure against gays and lesbians
(Universidade de São Francisco, Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Psicologia, 2019)
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi adaptar e obter evidências de validade da Modern Homonegativity Scale (MHS) composta por duas formas paralelas com 12 itens, sendo uma versão referente aos gays (MHS-G) e outra às lésbicas ...
Contrast of a 3-factor Structure for the Attitude Toward Lesbian and Gay Men (ATLG) scaleContraste de una estructura trifactorial para escala de actitudes hacia lesbianas y hombres homosexuales (ATLG)
(Consorcio de Universidades Mexicanas A.C., 2014)