Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 26
Locally adapted Brazilian ewes with different coat colors maintain homeothermy during the year in an equatorial semiarid environment
The present paper aimed to show the thermoregulatory responses of locally adapted Morada Nova sheep with different coat colors that were exposed to direct solar radiation in an equatorial semiarid region. Animals were ...
Assessing the effect of litter size on growth pattern and homeothermy acquisition in the Pampas Mice Akodon azarae (Rodentia, Muridae)
(Growth Publishing Co Inc, 2002-06)
En este trabajo se evaluó en Akodon azarae, el patrón de crecimiento en crías desde el nacimiento hasta los 48 días de edad y el efecto del tamaño de la camada sobre la tasa de crecimiento y la capacidad termorregulatoria ...
Acute heat stress compromises the physiology of growing pigsO estresse térmico agudo compromete a fisiologia dos suínos em crescimento
Twenty-four castrated male pigs were used to determine the effect of ambient temperature on thermoregulatory responses during an acute heat stress test conducted for 48 hours. The animals were housed in two climatic chambers ...
Coat color and morphological hair traits influence on the mechanisms related to the heat tolerance in hair sheep
The principal focus of this study was to describe how the coat characteristics could affect the heat exchanges in animals managed in a hot environment. The Morada Nova ewes were monitored once a month, during 10 consecutive ...
Heterothermy as the Norm, Homeothermy as the Exception: Variable Torpor Patterns in the South American Marsupial Monito del Monte (Dromiciops gliroides)
Hibernation (i.e., multiday torpor) is considered an adaptive strategy of mammals to face seasonal environmental challenges such as food, cold, and/or water shortage. It has been considered functionally different from daily ...
Evaporative heat loss in Bos taurus: Do different cattle breeds cope with heat stress in the same way?
(Elsevier B.V., 2014-10-01)
The aim of this study was to compare two Portuguese (Alentejana and Mertolenga) and two exotic (Frisian and Limousine) cattle breeds in terms of the relationship between the increase in ambient temperature and the responses ...
Efeito do equipamento termovisor sobre as medidas de temperatura superficial de diferentes animais e regiões corporaisEffect of thermal imaging equipment on surface temperature measurements of different animals and body regions
(Universidade Federal da Grande DouradosBrasilFaculdade de Ciências AgráriasUFGD, 2022)
Microclimate and microhabitat selection in nocturnal rodents of central Chile: A test between biophysical and experimental approaches
(Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 1996)
We contrasted two approaches to test the hypothesis that microclimate influences selection of microhabitat by two species (Abrothryx longipilis and Phyllotis darwini) of nocturnal rodents of central Chile. Microhabitats ...