Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 36
On the size of home bias
(Routledge, 2015)
Home bias in consumption refers to consumers strongly preferring domestic
over foreign products. However, if the products were to be differentiated,
would there then be a taste for country of origin? If this were the
case, ...
Optimal close-to-home biases in asset allocation
This article studies optimal portfolio decisions with (long-term) liabilities for small open economy based investors, including the optimality of currency hedging (Walker (2008a). Chile is the home country of the representative ...
Raw Vegetable Salad Consumers In Full-service Restaurants
Fluctuaciones del Tipo de Cambio Real y Transabilidad de Bienes en el Comercio Bilateral Chile- Estados Unidos
(ILADES; Georgetown University; Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2014)
Jewelry packages: Some interpolations on design and form
The study explores the efficiency of jewelery packages in the consumer’s home. The counterpoint of this proposal is in the interdisciplinary transit between design and the study of form. Smart packaging that stimulates new ...
Estratégias de marketing para captação de clientes: uma análise de perfil, hábitos e consumo com proprietários de locação por temporada da Carpediem Homes
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNAdministraçãoDepartamento de Ciências Administrativas, 2021)
A demanda por bebidas alcoólicas no Brasil: 2008/2009
A demanda por bebida alcoólica é um tema de interesse há muitos anos e diversos estudos econômicos empíricos podem ser encontrados na literatura internacional, porém existem muito poucos estudos para o mercado brasileiro. ...
Undisclosed Effects of Privatization : School Choice and out of School Educational Investments in Urban Peru
(Privatisation in Education Research Initiative, 2015)
This study aims to evaluate the relationship between private school’s attendance and student’s allocation of time on educational activities outside school. In this sense, the analysis focuses on student’s learning investments ...
Undisclosed Effects of Privatization : School Choice and out of School Educational Investments in Urban Peru
(Privatisation in Education Research Initiative, 2015)
This study aims to evaluate the relationship between private school’s attendance and student’s allocation of time on educational activities outside school. In this sense, the analysis focuses on student’s learning investments ...