Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 147
Hölder Foliations, revisited
(Amer Inst Mathematical Sciences, 2012-06)
We investigate transverse Hölder regularity of some canonical leaf conjugacies in normally hyperbolic dynamical systems and transverse Hölder regularity of some invariant foliations. Our results validate claims made elsewhere ...
Desigualdades de Harnack elíptica y parabólica: un enfoque abstracto
Necessary and sufficient conditions are determined in order to obtain Holder regularity for a family of functions defined in a space of homogeneous type. Such conditions are obtained from the study of the validity of the ...
Local regularity analysis of market index for the 2008 economical crisisRegularidad local del mercado de índices para la crisis económica de 2008
(Universidad de Costa Rica, Centro de Investigación en Matemática Pura y Aplicada (CIMPA), 2012)
Holder continuous solutions for integro-differential equations and maximal regularity
C1,α-estimates for the near field refractor
(Gauthier-Villars/Editions Elsevier, 2021-05)
We establish local C1,α estimates for one source near field refractors under structural assumptions on the target, and with no assumptions on the smoothness of the densities.
A note on space–time Hölder regularity of mild solutions to stochastic cauchy problems in Lp-spaces
This paper revisits the Hölder regularity of mild solutions of parabolic stochastic Cauchy problems in Lebesgue spaces Lp(O), with p ? 2 and O ? ?d a bounded domain. We find conditions on p,? and ? under which the mild ...
Aplicación de análisis multifractal de exponentes de Hölder en mercados financieros mexicanos: índice accionario IPC y tipo de cambio USD/MXNA Multifractal Analysis Application of Hölder Exponents in Mexican Financial Markets: Mexican Stock Index and Foreign Exchange USD/MXN
(Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (México). Unidad Azcapotzalco., 2015)
Hölder regularity of solutions of PDE'S: A geometrical view
(Taylor & Francis, 2001-07)
The authors devote themselves to the study, in the abstract setting of homogeneousspaces X (quasimetric spaces endowed with a measure satisfying the doubling condition), of minimalconditions ensuring that a nonnegative ...