Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 46
War memorials, between propaganda and history: Mleeta Landmark and Hezbollah
War memorials have been historically used as propaganda tools that facilitated the creation of a collective memory about past actions. With the rise of the society of leisure and gamification, new strategies to reach these ...
“Partido de Deus”: a segurança internacional e o papel do Hezbollah no caso da Segunda Guerra do Líbano"Party of God": international security and the role of Hezbollah in the case of the Second Lebanon War
(Universidade Federal do PampaUNIPAMPABrasilCampus Santana do Livramento, 2019)
La situación de los refugiados palestinos en el Líbano a partir del Acuerdo de Taif en la década de los 90.
(Universidad del RosarioRelaciones InternacionalesFacultad de Relaciones Internacionales, 2014)
The interest of this paper is to analyze the situation of the Palestinian refugees living in Lebanon from the policies imposed by the government since the 90s. This paper analyzes and explains how a state in order to defend ...
Baroque extravaganzas: rock tombs, fountains, and sanctuaries in Jordan, Lebanon, and Libya [Roman Architecture]
(Yale University, Open Yale Courses, 2016)
Baroque extravaganzas: rock tombs, fountains, and sanctuaries in Jordan, Lebanon, and Libya [Roman Architecture]
(Yale University, Open Yale Courses, 2011)
A guerra civil libanesa sob a perspectiva da Revista Veja 1975 - 2007
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), 2014)
The Lebanese civil war, which occurred between 1975 and 1990, is the result of a failed policy of division of powers between different faith groups, Maronite Christians, Druze and Muslims also promoted the times when Lebanon ...
Epidemiological history and genomic characterization of non-D1 HBV strains identified in Iran
Background: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) has been classified into eight genotypes and forty subgenotypes. Genotype D of HBV is the most worldwide distributed genotype and HBV subgenotype D1 has been isolated from Iranian patients. ...
Fragments and ruins of a Lebanese past: An analysis of A imensidão íntima dos carneiros in the light of Benjamin's concept of HistoryFragmentos e ruínas de um passado libanês: uma análise de A imensidão íntima dos carneiros à luz do conceito de história de Benjamin
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2023)
From Khalil Gibran to Meira Delmar: reflections on the literature of the colombian mahjar
(Bogotá : Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2019., 2019)
The massive migration of Arabs from Ottoman-controlled lands in Greater Syria during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, affected both the demographic and social landscapes of the places of origin of these ...
Antiguo Oriente: Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente Vol. 15, 2017 (número completo)
(Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Departamento de Historia. Centro de Estudios de Historia del Antiguo Oriente, 2017)
Contenido: In memoriam Rodolfo Fattovich (1945-2018) -- Towards a long-term place biography of Nahr el-Kalb (Lebanon) / Rocío Da Riva -- Les neiges d'antan : "Early rulers" and the vanity theme in Mesopotamian wisdon ...