Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 108
A class of asymptotically normal degenerate quasi U-statistics
(Springer HeidelbergHeidelbergAlemanha, 2011)
Higher-Order Partial Least Squares (HOPLS) : a generalized multi-linear regression method
(IEEE Computer Society, 2013-07)
A new generalized multilinear regression model, termed the Higher-Order Partial Least Squares (HOPLS), is introduced with the aim to predict a tensor (multiway array) Y from a tensor X through projecting the data onto the ...
Monitoramento e avaliação do processo de compostagem com incorporação de resíduos de gesso de construção civil
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCampo MouraoDepartamento Acadêmico de Ambiental, 2014-02-26)
Composting is one of the mechanisms used for the treatment of solid residues with organic and mineral characteristics which is achieved by means of metabolic activity of microorganisms that are present in the mass to be ...
Soil carbon dynamic associated to land-use changes in semi-arid forests of Argentina
Land-use change represents one of the main drivers of global climatic change, affecting the amount and quality of organic matter (OM) in soils worldwide. A reduction in the amount of biomass due to forest management is ...
Emergência e crescimento de mudas de Leucaena leucocephala cultivadas em diferentes substratos
(Revista do Instituto Florestal, 2019)
Contrasted micro-eukaryotic diversity associated with Sphagnum mosses in tropical, subtropical and temperate climatic zones
(Springer, 2019-10)
Sphagnum-dominated ecosystem plays major roles as carbon sinks at the global level. Associated microbial communities, in particular, eukaryotes, play significant roles in nutrient fixation and turnover. In order to understand ...
Complexity of magnetic-field turbulence at reconnection exhausts in the solar wind at 1 au
(IOP, 2021)
Magnetic reconnection is a complex mechanism that converts magnetic energy into particle kinetic energy and
plasma thermal energy in space and astrophysical plasmas. In addition, magnetic reconnection and turbulence
appear ...
Serial-EMD: Fast Empirical Mode Decomposition Method for Multi-dimensional Signals Based on Serialization
(Elsevier Science Inc., 2021-09)
Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) has developed into a prominent tool for adaptive, scale-based signal analysis in various fields like robotics, security and biomedical engineering. Since the dramatic increase in amount ...