Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 20
Desgaste de ferramentas no torneamento com alta velocidade de corte da superliga waspaloy
(Escola de Minas, 2004-06-01)
Nesse trabalho, procurou-se estudar os mecanismos de desgaste de diversas geometrias de ferramentas cerâmicas (Al2O3 + SiCw e Al2O3 + TiC) e ferramentas de PCBN. Para isto foram realizados ensaios de torneamento com alta ...
Desgaste de ferramentas no torneamento com alta velocidade de corte da superliga waspaloy
(Escola de Minas, 2014)
Influence of HSM cutting parameters on the surface integrity characteristics of hardened AISI H13 steel
(Heidelberg, 2014-03-07)
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the influence of the cutting parameters of high-speed machining milling on the characteristics of the surface integrity of hardened AISI H13 steel. High-speed machining has been ...
Desgaste de ferramentas no torneamento com alta velocidade de corte da superliga waspaloy
(Escola de Minas, 2004-06-01)
Nesse trabalho, procurou-se estudar os mecanismos de desgaste de diversas geometrias de ferramentas cerâmicas (Al2O3 + SiCw e Al2O3 + TiC) e ferramentas de PCBN. Para isto foram realizados ensaios de torneamento com alta ...
Intelligent Monitoring and Supervisory Control System in Peripheral Milling Process in High Speed Machining
(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2009-01-11)
This research is leading to solve a real problem in High Speed Machining processes (HSM), specifically in the peripheral milling process. Nowadays, the machining processes have increased their complexity by considering the ...
Desenvolvimento de fresadora de pequeno porte com estrutura em compósito particulado de matriz polimérica
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2013-03-27)
The manufacturing processes evolution is closely tied to the society evolution. The intense use of information technology and electronics in the command and control of manufacturing equipments has broken the need of large ...
Influence of HSM cutting parameters on the surface integrity characteristics of hardened AISI H13 steel
(Abcm Brazilian Soc Mechanical Sciences & EngineeringRio De Janeiro RjBrasil, 2013)
Fresado de cavidades de fondo plano en aluminio 6061 mediante estrategia HSM (high Speed Machining)
(Pereira : Universidad Tecnológica de PereiraFacultad de Ingeniería MecánicaIngeniería Mecánica, 2019)
Intelligent Monitoring and Supervisory Control System in Peripheral Milling Process in High Speed Machining
(Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 2015)
Machinability analysis of VAT 32® nickel based superalloy using commercial and experimental milling inserts
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2021-04-16)
Over the past decades, the superalloy metallurgy industry has made possible many innovations with high impact to the metal-mechanic industry. However, currently, these industries have to cope with both the technical and ...