Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1182
Limiting values of the one-bond C[sbnd]H spin-spin coupling constants of the imidazole ring of histidine at high-pH
(Elsevier Science, 2017-04)
Assessment of the relative amounts of the forms of the imidazole ring of Histidine (His), namely the protonated (H+) and the tautomeric Nε2-H and Nδ1-H forms, respectively, is a challenging task in NMR spectroscopy. Indeed, ...
Degradação de hormônios por processos Fenton mediados por ciclodextrina
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2010-06-24)
O estudo de interferentes endócrinos em águas tem sido relevante devido aos efeitos deletérios promovidos por estes compostos, encontrados no ambiente em baixíssimas concentrações, na faixa de ng L-1 até μg L-1. Hormônios ...
Degradação de hormônios por processos Fenton mediados por ciclodextrina
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2010-06-24)
O estudo de interferentes endócrinos em águas tem sido relevante devido aos efeitos deletérios promovidos por estes compostos, encontrados no ambiente em baixíssimas concentrações, na faixa de ng L-1 até μg L-1. Hormônios ...
Evolution of the reactive surface area of ferrihydrite: time, pH, and temperature dependency of growth by Ostwald ripening
Surface area is a crucial property of metal oxides for scaling ion adsorption phenomena. For ferrihydrite (Fh), the value is uncertain. Moreover, it rapidly changes with time, pH, and temperature. In this study, the dynamic ...
Medición de pH salival en pacientes periodontalmente afectados, Clínica UCSG 2019.
(Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil, 2020)
Hydroxyproline and starch consumption and urinary supersaturation with calcium oxalate in cats
The effect of extruded foods intake with different contents of starch, protein and hydroxyproline were evaluated on water balance, oxalate renal excretion, urine chemical composition and the relative urine supersaturation ...
Effect of pH on the growth of three lactic acid bacteria strains isolated from sour cream
(Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Facultad de CienciasGrupo de BiotransformaciónBogotá, Colombia, 2022)
Organic acids and high soil CO2 drive intense chemical weathering of Hawaiian basalts: Insights from reactive transport models
(Elsevier, 2019)
We have investigated how biota contributes to rapid chemical weathering of Hawaiian basalts using a reactive transport model and chemical data from a soil chronosequence. These Hawaiian soils have developed under a tropical ...
Organic acids and high soil CO2 drive intense chemical weathering of Hawaiian basalts: Insights from reactive transport models
We have investigated how biota contributes to rapid chemical weathering of Hawaiian basalts using a reactive transport model and chemical data from a soil chronosequence. These Hawaiian soils have developed under a tropical ...