Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 351
Sedimentation rates of nutrients and particulate material in pond mariculture of shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) carried out with different management strategies
Marine shrimp farming is an important economic activity in tropical and subtropical regions, but its expansion has contributed to the increase of nutrients and organic matter in coastal ecosystems. Thus, this work evaluated ...
A closer look on spatiotemporal variations of dissolved oxygen in waste stabilization ponds using mixed models
Dissolved oxygen is an essential controlling factor in the performance of facultative and maturation ponds since both take many advantages of algal photosynthetic oxygenation. The rate of this photosynthesis strongly depends ...
Influence of solar radiation on nitrogen recovery by the biomass grown in high rate ponds
(Ecological Engineering, 2018)
Effects of pond drying on morphological and life-history traits in the anuran Rhinella spinulosa (Anura: Bufonidae)
Question: How does the duration of temporary ponds affect the morphological attributes and life-history traits of post-metamorphic amphibians? Organism: The anuran Rhinella spinulosa of the Andes range of central Chile. ...
Exploring the influence of meteorological conditions on the performance of a waste stabilization pond at high altitude with structural equation modeling
Algal photosynthesis plays a key role in the removal mechanisms of waste stabilization ponds
(WSPs), which is indicated in the variations of three parameters, dissolved oxygen, pH, and
chlorophyll a. These variations can ...
Dependence of anuran diversity on environmental descriptors in farmland ponds
(Springer, 2012-06-01)
In the Neotropics, conversion of natural habitats into agricultural areas is occurring at a high rate, with consequent reduction of habitat complexity in anuran breeding ponds. Identifying features of farmland ponds that ...
Effect of Water Exchange and Mechanical Aeration on Grow-out of the Amazon River Prawn in Ponds
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2013-12-01)
Exchange and aeration of pond water are common practices in semi-intensive freshwater prawn culture, but there is lack of scientifically based information on the results. We evaluated the effects of water flow through the ...
An integrated mechanistic modeling of a facultative pond: parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis
Abstract Imitating natural lakes, pond treatment systems inherit a high complexity with interconnected web of biochemical reactions and complex hydraulic processes. As such, its simulation requires a large and integrated ...
Growth and survival of pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg, 1887) juveniles reared in ponds or at different initial larviculture periods indoors
(Elsevier B.V., 2003-05-01)
Five-day-old pacu larvae (Piaractus mesopotamicus) with average length and weight of 5.96 mm and 0.42 mg, respectively, were reared as follows: in a semi-intensive system with larvae stocked directly into fertilized ponds ...