Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 41
High altitude echoes from the equatorial topside ionosphere during solar minimum
(American Geophysical Union, 2021-02)
We describe a new class of nonthermal plasma density irregularities observed in the postmidnight topside equatorial ionosphere under low solar flux conditions. They are distinct from irregularities associated with equatorial ...
Nonspecular meteor trail altitude distributions and durations observed by a 50 MHz high‐power radar
(American Geophysical Union, 2010-12-30)
High-power large-aperture (HPLA) radars frequently observe nonspecular meteor trail echoes that result from plasma turbulence driven by the intense pressure gradients on the trail edges. This paper analyzes the altitude ...
Spectral parameter estimation of CAT radar echoes in the presence of fading clutter
(American Geophysical Union, 1982-07)
The 430 MHz, 2 MW radar at the Arecibo Observatory is currently being used as a stratospheric-troposheric (ST) radar. One of the problems in the automatic analysis of the signals come from the very large amplitude of the ...
Height variation of gaps in 150‐km echoes and whole atmosphere community climate model electron densities suggest link to upper hybrid resonance
(American Geophysical Union, 2020-01)
Radar echoes from the daytime lower F region near the magnetic equator, so-called 150-km echoes, have been puzzling researchers for decades. Neither the mechanisms that generate the enhanced backscatter at very high ...
Comparison of electric fields measured at F-region heights with 150 km - irregularity drift measurements
The potential to observe the E-W electric field in the equatorial ionosphere using the strong coherent echoes obtained by the Jicamarca radar from irregularities present at the Magnetic Equator, in the altitude range between ...
Naturally enhanced ion-line spectra around the equatorial 150-km region
(European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2009-03-02)
For many years strong radar echoes coming from 140–170 km altitudes at low latitudes have been associated to the existence of field-aligned irregularities (FAIs) (the so called 150-km echoes). In this work, we present ...
Preliminary multiheight radar observations of waves and winds in the mesosphere over Jicamarca
(Elsevier, 1977-09)
The Jicamarca Radio Observatory receives strong radar echoes from the mesosphere. This paper reports preliminary results of simultaneous measurements of echo power, radial velocity, and spectral width at 12 mesospheric ...
Determining meteoroid properties using head echo observations from the Jicamarca radio observatory
(Boston University, 2012)
Over 100 tons of material enters the Earth’s atmosphere every day, mostly in the form of meteoroids less than a millimeter across. As a meteoroid enters the atmosphere, it ablates and forms a plasma. Radars can detect this ...
Study of waves observed in the equatorial ionospheric valley region using Jicamarca ISR and VIPIR ionosonde
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2017)
Incoherent scatter (IS) radar and ionosonde (VIPIR, vertical incidence pulsed ionospheric radar) data were taken concurrently at Jicamarca during campaigns of January, April, June, and July 2015, January 2016, and most ...
High-altitude resolution stratospheric measurements with the arecibo 430-MHz radar
(American Geophysical Union, 1980-03)
The potential of the Arecibo 430-MHz radar for the study of stratospheric dynamics and turbulence has been recently established. In the past the instrumented resolution of the system has been larger than 300-600 m. The ...