Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 161
Modeling of solid-fluid equilibria of pure n-alkanes and binary methane + n-alkane systems through predictive correlations
(Elsevier Science, 2020-12)
In this work, we systematically study the phase behavior of the binary systems homologous series of methane with heavier n-alkanes, by considering the appearance of fluid and pure solid phases. The Peng-Robinson (PR) and ...
A study on the effect of ternary interaction parameters on the equation of state description of ternary fluid phase equilibria
(Elsevier Science, 2015-01-14)
Models of the equation of state (EOS) type, used for describing fluid phase equilibria, typically assume that the system behavior can be described from binary contributions only. This is not enough for obtaining good ...
A solid solution modeling approach somehow analogous to the EoS approach for fluids: Application to equilibria involving fluid phases and solid solutions
(Elsevier Science, 2021-11)
In the present work, a modeling approach applicable over wide ranges of temperature and pressure to the representation of the thermodynamic properties of pure components in solid state is extended to the case of solid ...
High pressure solid-liquid equilibria of fatty acids
(Elsevier Science BvAmsterdamHolanda, 2007)
Improving phase equilibrium calculation with the Peng-Robinson EOS for fats and oils related compounds/supercritical CO2 systems
(Elsevier Science BvAmsterdamHolanda, 2000)
High pressure phase equilibria of supercritical alcohols with triglycerides, fatty esters and cosolvents
(Elsevier Science, 2008-04-15)
The transesterification of vegetable oils, esterification of fatty acids and glycerolisis reactions, with supercritical alcohols, are of interest in the production of fine chemicals and biodiesel. The partial miscibility ...
High-pressure phase equilibria of systems carbon dioxide + n-eicosane and propane + n-eicosane
(Elsevier Science, 2009-10)
In this work we investigated the phase equilibrium behavior of the binary asymmetric systems propane (C3) + n-eicosane (C20) and carbon dioxide (CO2) + n-eicosane (C20). We used a variable-volume view cell for obtaining ...
New correlations for prediction of high-pressure phase equilibria of n-alkane mixtures with the RKPR EoS: Back from the use of l ij (Repulsive) interaction parameters
(American Chemical Society, 2019-02)
After detecting some inadequate predictions of volumetric properties and solid-liquid equilibria with the RKPR Equation of State coupled to previously correlated parameters (Cismondi Duarte, M.; et al. Fluid Phase Equilib. ...