Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 185
Katniss Everdeen as a heroine: an analysis of the Hero’s Journey and the role of the mentor
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2021-06-28)
Out of a compilation of the archetypes developed by Carl Gustav Jung, Joseph Campbell creates his theory of the hero’s journey. Campbell (2004) develops this theory as a way of tracing patterns on how individuals’ character ...
Katniss Everdeen as a heroine: an analysis of the Hero’s Journey and the role of the mentor
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2021-06-28)
Out of a compilation of the archetypes developed by Carl Gustav Jung, Joseph Campbell creates his theory of the hero’s journey. Campbell (2004) develops this theory as a way of tracing patterns on how individuals’ character ...
Hero's journey in bifurcation diagram
The hero's journey is a narrative structure identified by several authors in comparative studies on folklore and mythology. This storytelling template presents the stages of inner metamorphosis undergone by the protagonist ...
Entre Venus y Marte: el viaje del héroe en Desertor (Between Venus and Mars: The Journey of the Hero in Desertor)
(Escuela de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje, 2015)
The Heroe’s Journey in Libro del caballero Zifar: The Case of Zifar and RoboánEl viaje del héroe en el Libro del caballero Zifar : el caso de Zifar y Roboán
(Department of Literature. School of Philosophy and Literature, 2019)
The journey of the villain in the Harry Potter series : an archetypal study of fantasy villains
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2008-11-21)
Fantasy has featured in our culture since the beginning of times. From ancient mythology to futuristic Sci-Fi, stories have been filled with fantastic characters and settings. Disguised under the cover of the fantastic ...
Entre Venus y Marte: el viaje del héroe en DesertorBetween Venus and Mars: The Journey of the Hero in Desertor
(Escuela de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje, 2014)
Entre Venus y Marte: el viaje del héroe en DesertorBetween Venus and Mars: The Journey of the Hero in Desertor
(Escuela de Literatura y Ciencias del Lenguaje, 2014)
Patrón alternativo al camino del héroeAlternative pattern to the hero's journey
(Ingeniería MultimediaFacultad de IngenieríaUniversidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2023)
The Hero’s Journey Into the Monstrous Space: Metaphors of Biopolitical Knowledge Transformed into NovelEl viaje del héroe al espacio monstruoso: metáforas de un saber biopolítico hecho novela
(Centro de Investigación en Cultura y Desarrollo (CICDE), 2012)