Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3884
Pluralism in economics: from epistemology to hermeneutics
The objective of this paper is to bring elements from the philosophical movement of hermeneutics and pragmatism to the discussion on methodology in economics, with a specific concern on the theory of truth. Our aim is to ...
Why speak about hermeneutics?
Many are the works in Mathematical Education that have analyzes based in the hermeneutics, explicitly or not. However, the elaboration of texts that focus on discussing the philosophical foundations of hermeneutics, ...
Research procedures to understand algebraic structures: A hermeneutic approach
The authors question how hermetic texts in mathematics, history, and philosophy of mathematics, specifically those referring to abstract algebra, can be open to the understanding of researchers, teachers and students who ...
Body, culture and education. An hermeneutical perspective
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
La singular relación yo-tu como supuesto de la experiencia hermenéuticaThe singular me-you relationship as an assumption of the hermeneutic experience
(Artemis, 2021)
El objeto del trabajo consiste en
indagar, reflexionar y precisar los supuestos
relevantes de la experiencia hermenéutica
desde el enfoque filosófico gadameriano.
Según su autor, tanto la experiencia del yotu,
como ...
A formação docente na perspectiva comunicativa da hermenêutica
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBREducaçãoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2010-05-18)
The present work presents as purpose to investigate the presence of the dialogue in the teacher's formative process and in their educational existences, to analyze and to reflect the importance of the dialogue in a perspective ...
Towards a dialogical archaeology: An Andean perspective on hermeneutics, interpretation and political praxis
(Cambridge University Press, 2022-02)
Taking a geopolitical perspective centred in the Argentinian Andes, the authors propose a hermeneutical view of dialogical archaeology. The application of this theoretical and methodological approach to the example of the ...
Lectura hermenéutica del “Iubilus” atribuido a San BernardoAn Hermeneutic Approach to the "Iubilus" Attributed to Saint Bernard
(Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1996)