Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 15
Presence of Hepatozoon caimani (Apicomplexa: Hepatozoidae) in the “spectacled caiman” Caiman crocodilus (Linneus 1758) in a zoo of Lima, PeruPRESENCIA DE Hepatozoon caimani (Apicomplexa: Hepatozoidae) EN EL “CAIMÁN BLANCO” Caiman crocodilus (Linneus 1758) EN UN ZOOLÓGICO DE LIMA, PERÚ.
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, 2011)
Hepatozoon caimani in caiman crocodilus yacare (crocodylia, alligatoridae) from north pantanal, BrazilHepatozoon caimani em caiman crocodilus yacare (crocodylia, alligatoridae) do norte do pantanal, Brasil
Hepatozoon species are the most common intracellular hemoparasite found in reptiles. Hepatozoon caimani, whose vectors are Culex mosquitoes, has been detected in a high prevalence among caimans in Brazil by blood smears ...
Hepatozoon caimani (Apicomplexa: Hepatozoidae) in wild caiman, Caiman yacare, from the Pantanal Region, Brazil
(American Society of Parasitologists, 2019)
Caiman-Biting Mosquitoes and the Natural Vectors of Hepatozoon caimani in Brazil
(Oxford University Press, 2018)
Are fish paratenic natural hosts of the caiman haemoparasite Hepatozoon caimani ?
(Springer Verlag, 2016)
Hepatozoon caimani (Apicomplexa: Hepatozoidae) no jacaré Caiman yacare no Pantanal Sul Mato-Grossense: prevalência e transmissão
Na presente tese, foram estudados aspectos da relação parasito-hospedeiro, constituída pelo protozoário parasito Hepatozoon caimani (Apicomplexa: Adeleorina) e seu hospedeiro vertebrado, o jacaré Caiman yacare (Crocodylia: ...
Caiman-Biting Mosquitoes and the Natural Vectors of Hepatozoon caimani in Brazil
(Oxford University Press, 2010)
Are fish paratenic natural hosts of the caiman haemoparasite Hepatozoon caimani ?
(Springer Verlag, 2014)
Hepatozoon caimani (Apicomplexa: Hepatozoidae) in wild caiman, Caiman yacare, from the Pantanal Region, Brazil
(American Society of Parasitologists, 2010)