Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 25
Prevalence of hepatopulmonary syndrome in patients with decompensated chronic liver disease and its impact on short-term survival
BACKGROUND: Hepatopulmonary syndrome is reported to occur in 4% to 32% of the patients with chronic liver disease and is associated with poor liver function and shortened patient survival before and after liver ...
Abernethy malformation: One of the etiologies of hepatopulmonary syndrome
(Wiley-lissNew YorkEUA, 2002)
Hypoxemia, high alveolar-arterial gradient, and bubbles in both sides of heart: A case of hepatopulmonary syndrome in the setting of COVID-19 pandemic
(Wiley, 2021)
In presence of tachypnea, digital clubbing and cyanosis in a patient with the hallmarks of chronic liver disease, hepatopulmonary syndrome should be suspected and investigated
Hipoxemia recurrente y formen oval permeable. Unidad diagnóstica fácilmente inadvertida. Caso clínico
(Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 2020)
Patent foramen ovale (PFO) is a prevalent congenital septal atrial defect usually without pathological significance. In certain pathogenic situations, PFO can trigger episodes of recurrent hypoxemia, a specific condition ...
Síndrome hepatopulmonar: patogenia, diagnóstico e tratamentoHepatopulmonary syndrome: pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment
(Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos e Pesquisas de Gastroenterologia, 2013)