Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 49
Modeling and Dynamic Analysis of an Electrical Helmholtz Resonator for Active Control of Resonant Noise
This paper describes a theoretical and experimental investigation into an electrical Helmholtz resonator (EHR): that is, an active noise control (ANC) loudspeaker used in conjunction with a microphone and a feedback ...
Asymptotics for Helmholtz and Maxwell Solutions in 3-D Open Waveguides
We extend classic Sommerfeld and Silver-Muller radiation conditions for bounded scatterers to acoustic and electromagnetic fields propagating over three isotropic homogeneous layers in three dimensions. If x = (x(1), x(2), ...
Construction Of Minimum Energy High-order Helmholtz Bases For Structured Elements
A física do violino
(Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 2008)
Neste artigo apresentamos uma descrição geral da física do violino, analisando os conceitos que lhes dão sustentação física e que revelam toda a riqueza e o potencial pedagógico do assunto. Destacamos as contribuições de ...
Investigação da estabilidade de escoamentos de jatos viscoelásticos
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2020-09-28)
O estudo do escoamento de jato é relevante devido à sua importância em aplicações industriais, tais como, sistemas de propulsão, troca de calor e massa e estabilização de tiras, placas e blocos durante o tratamento térmico ...
Hamiltonian formulation of the full vectorial Helmholtz equation for modeling the interaction between ME composites and optical _ber immersed in electromagnetic _elds from high voltage power systems
TThis thesis deals with the proposal, analytical background and practical implementation of fiber optic based sensors for measuring electrical variables in high voltage systems. The thesis presents the physical and ...
High-resolution observations of mesospheric layers with the Jicamarca VHF Radar
(Elsevier, 2007)
We report new results from the 50-MHz Jicamarca radar in Peru (12°S, 77°W), which is able to observe backscatter from the daytime mesosphere on any given day. Since 2005, the radar has been operated in a high-power MST-ISR ...
Analysis of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in seagrass-oscillatory flow interaction
The aquatic vegetation is ubiquitous worldwide, from low temperature areas to tropical shallow coastal zones (Van Der Heide et al., 2007). These ecosystems provide a productive life cyle being the habitat for many marine ...
Eigenvalues of radially symmetric modes in composite spherical domains with a very small concentric cavity
(Elsevier, 2000-06)
In his study, Wang proved that the fundamental frequency coefficient of a circular annular membrane fixed at the outer radius ´b´ and at the inner radius ´a´, is the same eigenvalue as in the case of a solid circular ...