Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 78
Students' opinions of satisfaction and happiness in theclassroom: an evidence from a spanish virtual university
From a comparative perspective, the analysis of the professors' attitudes and motivations in the classroom according to the students' opinions provides a relevant and interesting vision in order to facilitate this type of ...
A proposal of indicators to promote happiness in the classroom in higher education: a focus of professors’ opinions
Despite the widespread growth of interest in the analysis of academic programs and syllabuses in Europe and America, the behavior of professors and students is very different among several regions. From a local territorial ...
Escala de felicidad en catedráticos de una universidad privada del cercado de Lima
La presente investigación es de tipo descriptivo y diseño no experimental, El objetivo principal es determinar el nivel de felicidad en catedráticos de una universidad privada del Cercado de Lima. El instrumento utilizado ...
Exploring the learning experiences of business students: the case of a virtual university in Spain
The relevance of creative and experiential projects in Higher Education shows that the configuration of their main attributes for satisfaction and happiness in the classroom is a very important question. The main objectives ...
Positive emotions in virtual contexts: exploring the link between leadership styles and happiness in the classroom
In educational literature, it is important to characterize and evaluate the most influential factors in virtual learning environments. This is because the impact of these factors is relevant in order to improve the student ...
The good life: happiness [Introduction to Psychology]
(Yale University, Open Yale Courses, 2016)
The good life: happiness [Introduction to Psychology]
(Yale University, Open Yale Courses, 2011)
Differences in perceived health status outcomes among heterosexual, homosexual (gay or lesbian) and bisexual Korean adolescents
The purpose of this study was to examine differences in perceived health status outcomes among heterosexual, homosexual (gay or lesbian), and bisexual Korean adolescents. Originally, in 2012, over 70,000 adolescents aged ...
Differences in perceived health status outcomes among heterosexual, homosexual (gay or lesbian) and bisexual Korean adolescents
(Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2018)