Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 117859
Pre-emergence herbicides affect seedling emergence of tropical forest tree species
Testing techniques to reduce weed infestation is a crucial step in developing direct tree seeding systems. The use of pre-emergence herbicides may be an alternative to manual weeding techniques, but so far, information on ...
Emergence of corn seedlings in different depths of sowingEmergencia de plântulas de milho em diferentes profundidades de semeadura
Proper planting is one of the factors which most influence crop yield, and the depth of seed deposition is of utmost importance. Variation in sowing depth provide the seeds with different contents of water in the soil for ...
Fuzzy emerging patterns for classifying hard domains
(Springer, 2011)
Emerging powers and global governance
This paper highlights and discusses three riddles inherent to emerging countries’ attitudes towards the existing Global Governance (GG) network. The riddles address, respectively, a contradiction related to the decaying ...
Vivienda de emergencia un caso de desastre en el Danubio
(Universidad Católica de Pereira., 2023)
Dinamicity and unpredictability of emerging markets: an implementation of Goetzamnn and Jorion (1999)
This research is to be considered as an implementation of Goetzmann and Jorion (1999). In order to provide a more realistic scenario, we have implemented a Garch (1,1) approach for the residuals of returns and a multifactor ...
Fatores predisponentes ?? s??ndrome de Burnout no trabalho em unidade de emerg??ncia.
(Programa de P??s- Gradua????o em Enfermagem da UFBA, 2010)
Mobile-based emergency report and response system for academic institutions of developing countries
(Pushpa Publishing House, 2016)