Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 34
Radiative properties of the skin and haircoat of cattle and other animals
(Amer Soc Agricultural Engineers, 2003-05-01)
Radiative properties (reflectance rho, transmittance tau, and absorptance alpha) were determined for wavelengths from 300 to 850 nm in the haircoat and the skin of water buffalo, deer (Pantanal deer, Blastocerus dichotomus), ...
Radiative properties of the skin and haircoat of cattle and other animals
Radiative properties (reflectance ρ, transmittance τ, and absorptance α) were determined for wavelengths from 300 to 850 nm in the haircoat and the skin of water buffalo, deer (Pantanal deer, Blastocerus dichotomus), and ...
Radiative properties of the skin and haircoat of cattle and other animals
(Amer Soc Agricultural Engineers, 2003-05-01)
Radiative properties (reflectance rho, transmittance tau, and absorptance alpha) were determined for wavelengths from 300 to 850 nm in the haircoat and the skin of water buffalo, deer (Pantanal deer, Blastocerus dichotomus), ...
Radiative properties of the skin and haircoat of cattle and other animals
(Amer Soc Agricultural Engineers, 2014)
Estimativa do Balanço Térmico por Radiação em Vacas Holandesas Expostas ao Sol e à Sombra em Ambiente Tropical
A method is presented to estimate the radiation heat balance of Holstein cows exposed to sun and under shade of a pasture, to contribute with a morphological characteristics better adequate for these animals in a tropical ...
Transmissão de Radiação Ultravioleta Através do Pelame e da Epiderme de Bovinos
A laboratory study was carried on the transmission of ultraviolet radiation (UV, 250 to 360 nm wavelength) through the haircoat and the skin of cattle. Fresh samples of skin were measured under a solar simulator, taking ...
ISolation of Filamentous Fungi From Haircoat Cats Without Skin Lesions in Temuco, Chile
Machine learning algorithms to predict core, skin, and hair-coat temperatures of piglets
(Elsevier B.V., 2018-08-01)
Internal-body (core) and surface temperatures of livestock are important information that indicate heat stress status and comfort of animals. Previous studies focused on developing mechanistic and empirical models to predict ...
Características do pelame de vacas Holandesas em ambiente tropical: um estudo genético e adaptativo
(Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia, 2003-08-01)
As características do pelame (espessura da capa, comprimento médio dos pêlos, número de pêlos por unidade de área, densidade de massa dos pêlos, ângulo de inclinação dos pêlos com respeito a superfície da epiderme e diâmetro ...